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  • English Word Procoelian Definition A reptile having procoelian vertebrae; one of the Procoelia.
  • English Word Procoelous Definition Same as Procoelian.
  • English Word Proconsul Definition An officer who discharged the duties of a consul without being himself consul; a governor of, or a military commander in, a province. He was usually one who had previously been consul.
  • English Word Proconsular Definition Alt. of Proconsulary
  • English Word Proconsulary Definition Of or pertaining of a proconsul; as, proconsular powers.
  • English Word Proconsulary Definition Under the government of a proconsul; as, a proconsular province.
  • English Word Proconsulate Definition The office jurisdiction of a proconsul, or the term of his office.
  • English Word Proconsulship Definition Proconsulate.
  • English Word Procrastinate Definition To put off till to-morrow, or from day to day; to defer; to postpone; to delay; as, to procrastinate repentance.
  • English Word Procrastinate Definition To delay; to be dilatory.
  • English Word Procrastinated Definition of Procrastinate
  • English Word Procrastinating Definition of Procrastinate
  • English Word Procrastination Definition The act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off to a future time; delay; dilatoriness.
  • English Word Procrastinator Definition One who procrastinates, or defers the performance of anything.
  • English Word Procrastinatory Definition Of or pertaining to procrastination; dilatory.
  • English Word Procrastine Definition To procrastinate.
  • English Word Procreant Definition Generating; producing; productive; fruitful; assisting in procreation.
  • English Word Procreant Definition One who, or that which, procreates.
  • English Word Procreate Definition To generate and produce; to beget; to engender.
  • English Word Procreated Definition of Procreate
  • English Word Procreating Definition of Procreate
  • English Word Procreation Definition The act of begetting; generation and production of young.
  • English Word Procreative Definition Having the power to beget; generative.
  • English Word Procreativeness Definition The power of generating.
  • English Word Procreator Definition One who begets; a father or sire; a generator.
  • English Word Procris Definition Any species of small moths of the genus Procris. The larvae of some species injure the grapevine by feeding in groups upon the leaves.
  • English Word Procrustean Definition Of or pertaining to Procrustes, or the mode of torture practiced by him; producing conformity by violent means; as, the Procrustean treatment; a Procrustean limit. See Procrustes.
  • English Word Procrusteanize Definition To stretch or contract according to some rule or standard.
  • English Word Procrusteanized Definition of Procrusteanize
  • English Word Procrusteanizing Definition of Procrusteanize