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  • English Word Proem Definition To preface.
  • English Word Proembryo Definition The series of cells formed in the ovule of a flowering plant after fertilization, but before the formation of the embryo.
  • English Word Proembryo Definition The primary growth from the spore in certain cryptogamous plants; as, the proembryo, or protonema, of mosses.
  • English Word Proemial Definition Introductory; prefatory; preliminary.
  • English Word Proemptosis Definition The addition of a day to the lunar calendar.
  • English Word Proface Definition Much good may it do you! -- a familiar salutation or welcome.
  • English Word Profanate Definition To profane.
  • English Word Profanation Definition The act of violating sacred things, or of treating them with contempt or irreverence; irreverent or too familiar treatment or use of what is sacred; desecration; as, the profanation of the Sabbath; the profanation of a sanctuary; the profanation of the name of God.
  • English Word Profanation Definition The act of treating with abuse or disrespect, or with undue publicity, or lack of delicacy.
  • English Word Profane Definition Not sacred or holy; not possessing peculiar sanctity; unconsecrated; hence, relating to matters other than sacred; secular; -- opposed to sacred, religious, or inspired; as, a profane place.
  • English Word Profane Definition Unclean; impure; polluted; unholy.
  • English Word Profane Definition Treating sacred things with contempt, disrespect, irreverence, or undue familiarity; irreverent; impious.
  • English Word Profane Definition Irreverent in language; taking the name of God in vain; given to swearing; blasphemous; as, a profane person, word, oath, or tongue.
  • English Word Profane Definition To violate, as anything sacred; to treat with abuse, irreverence, obloquy, or contempt; to desecrate; to pollute; as, to profane the name of God; to profane the Scriptures, or the ordinance of God.
  • English Word Profane Definition To put to a wrong or unworthy use; to make a base employment of; to debase; to abuse; to defile.
  • English Word Profaned Definition of Profane
  • English Word Profanely Definition In a profane manner.
  • English Word Profaneness Definition The quality or state of being profane; especially, the use of profane language.
  • English Word Profaner Definition One who treats sacred things with irreverence, or defiles what is holy; one who uses profane language.
  • English Word Profaning Definition of Profane
  • English Word Profanity Definition The quality or state of being profane; profaneness; irreverence; esp., the use of profane language; blasphemy.
  • English Word Profanity Definition That which is profane; profane language or acts.
  • English Word Profection Definition A setting out; a going forward; advance; progression.
  • English Word Profectitious Definition Proceeding from, as from a parent; derived, as from an ancestor.
  • English Word Profert Definition The exhibition or production of a record or paper in open court, or an allegation that it is in court.
  • English Word Profess Definition To make open declaration of, as of one's knowledge, belief, action, etc.; to avow or acknowledge; to confess publicly; to own or admit freely.
  • English Word Profess Definition To set up a claim to; to make presence to; hence, to put on or present an appearance of.
  • English Word Profess Definition To present to knowledge of, to proclaim one's self versed in; to make one's self a teacher or practitioner of, to set up as an authority respecting; to declare (one's self to be such); as, he professes surgery; to profess one's self a physician.
  • English Word Profess Definition To take a profession upon one's self by a public declaration; to confess.
  • English Word Profess Definition To declare friendship.