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  • English Word Procrustes Definition A celebrated legendary highwayman of Attica, who tied his victims upon an iron bed, and, as the case required, either stretched or cut of their legs to adapt them to its length; -- whence the metaphorical phrase, the bed of Procrustes.
  • English Word Procrustesian Definition See Procrustean.
  • English Word Proctitis Definition Inflammation of the rectum.
  • English Word Proctocele Definition Inversion and prolapse of the mucous coat of the rectum, from relaxation of the sphincter, with more or less swelling; prolapsus ani.
  • English Word Proctodaeum Definition See Mesenteron.
  • English Word Proctor Definition One who is employed to manage to affairs of another.
  • English Word Proctor Definition A person appointed to collect alms for those who could not go out to beg for themselves, as lepers, the bedridden, etc.; hence a beggar.
  • English Word Proctor Definition An officer employed in admiralty and ecclesiastical causes. He answers to an attorney at common law, or to a solicitor in equity.
  • English Word Proctor Definition A representative of the clergy in convocation.
  • English Word Proctor Definition An officer in a university or college whose duty it is to enforce obedience to the laws of the institution.
  • English Word Proctor Definition To act as a proctor toward; to manage as an attorney or agent.
  • English Word Proctorage Definition Management by a proctor, or as by a proctor; hence, control; superintendence; -- in contempt.
  • English Word Proctorial Definition Of or pertaining to a proctor, esp. an academic proctor; magisterial.
  • English Word Proctorical Definition Proctorial.
  • English Word Proctorship Definition The office or dignity of a proctor; also, the term of his office.
  • English Word Proctotomy Definition An incision into the rectum, as for the division of a stricture.
  • English Word Proctucha Definition A division of Turbellaria including those that have an intestine terminating posteriorly.
  • English Word Proctucha Definition The Nemertina.
  • English Word Procumbent Definition Lying down, or on the face; prone.
  • English Word Procumbent Definition Lying on the ground, but without putting forth roots; trailing; prostrate; as, a procumbent stem.
  • English Word Procurable Definition Capable of being procured; obtainable.
  • English Word Procuracies Definition of Procuracy
  • English Word Procuracy Definition The office or act of a proctor or procurator; management for another.
  • English Word Procuracy Definition Authority to act for another; a proxy.
  • English Word Procuration Definition The act of procuring; procurement.
  • English Word Procuration Definition The management of another's affairs.
  • English Word Procuration Definition The instrument by which a person is empowered to transact the affairs of another; a proxy.
  • English Word Procuration Definition A sum of money paid formerly to the bishop or archdeacon, now to the ecclesiastical commissioners, by an incumbent, as a commutation for entertainment at the time of visitation; -- called also proxy.
  • English Word Procurator Definition One who manages another's affairs, either generally or in a special matter; an agent; a proctor.
  • English Word Procurator Definition A governor of a province under the emperors; also, one who had charge of the imperial revenues in a province; as, the procurator of Judea.