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  • English Word Primordian Definition A name given to several kinds of plums; as, red primordian, amber primordian, etc.
  • English Word Primordiate Definition Primordial.
  • English Word Primp Definition To be formal or affected in dress or manners; -- often with up.
  • English Word Primrose Definition An early flowering plant of the genus Primula (P. vulgaris) closely allied to the cowslip. There are several varieties, as the white-, the red-, the yellow-flowered, etc. Formerly called also primerole, primerolles.
  • English Word Primrose Definition Any plant of the genus Primula.
  • English Word Primrose Definition Of or pertaining to the primrose; of the color of a primrose; -- hence, flowery; gay.
  • English Word Primula Definition The genus of plants including the primrose (Primula vera).
  • English Word Primulaceous Definition Of or pertaining to an order of herbaceous plants (Primulaceae), of which the primrose is the type, and the pimpernel, the cyclamen, and the water violet are other examples.
  • English Word Primum mobile Definition In the Ptolemaic system, the outermost of the revolving concentric spheres constituting the universe, the motion of which was supposed to carry with it all the inclosed spheres with their planets in a daily revolution from east to west. See Crystalline heavens, under Crystalline.
  • English Word Primus Definition One of the bishops of the Episcopal Church of Scotland, who presides at the meetings of the bishops, and has certain privileges but no metropolitan authority.
  • English Word Primy Definition Being in its prime.
  • English Word Prince Definition The one of highest rank; one holding the highest place and authority; a sovereign; a monarch; -- originally applied to either sex, but now rarely applied to a female.
  • English Word Prince Definition The son of a king or emperor, or the issue of a royal family; as, princes of the blood.
  • English Word Prince Definition A title belonging to persons of high rank, differing in different countries. In England it belongs to dukes, marquises, and earls, but is given to members of the royal family only. In Italy a prince is inferior to a duke as a member of a particular order of nobility; in Spain he is always one of the royal family.
  • English Word Prince Definition The chief of any body of men; one at the head of a class or profession; one who is preeminent; as, a merchant prince; a prince of players.
  • English Word Prince Definition To play the prince.
  • English Word Princedom Definition The jurisdiction, sovereignty, rank, or estate of a prince.
  • English Word Princehood Definition Princeliness.
  • English Word Princekin Definition A petty prince; a princeling.
  • English Word Princeless Definition Without a prince.
  • English Word Princelet Definition A petty prince.
  • English Word Princelike Definition Princely.
  • English Word Princeliness Definition The quality of being princely; the state, manner, or dignity of a prince.
  • English Word Princeling Definition A petty prince; a young prince.
  • English Word Princely Definition Of or relating to a prince; regal; royal; of highest rank or authority; as, princely birth, character, fortune, etc.
  • English Word Princely Definition Suitable for, or becoming to, a prince; grand; august; munificent; magnificent; as, princely virtues; a princely fortune.
  • English Word Princely Definition In a princely manner.
  • English Word Princess Definition A female prince; a woman having sovereign power, or the rank of a prince.
  • English Word Princess Definition The daughter of a sovereign; a female member of a royal family.
  • English Word Princess Definition The consort of a prince; as, the princess of Wales.