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  • English Word Preve Definition Proof.
  • English Word Prevenance Definition A going before; anticipation in sequence or order.
  • English Word Prevenancy Definition The act of anticipating another's wishes, desires, etc., in the way of favor or courtesy; hence, civility; obligingness.
  • English Word Prevene Definition To come before; to anticipate; hence, to hinder; to prevent.
  • English Word Prevenience Definition The act of going before; anticipation.
  • English Word Prevenient Definition Going before; preceding; hence, preventive.
  • English Word Prevent Definition To go before; to precede; hence, to go before as a guide; to direct.
  • English Word Prevent Definition To be beforehand with; to anticipate.
  • English Word Prevent Definition To intercept; to hinder; to frustrate; to stop; to thwart.
  • English Word Prevent Definition To come before the usual time.
  • English Word Preventability Definition The quality or state of being preventable.
  • English Word Preventable Definition Capable of being prevented or hindered; as, preventable diseases.
  • English Word Preventative Definition That which prevents; -- incorrectly used instead of preventive.
  • English Word Prevented Definition of Prevent
  • English Word Preventer Definition One who goes before; one who forestalls or anticipates another.
  • English Word Preventer Definition One who prevents or obstructs; a hinderer; that which hinders; as, a preventer of evils or of disease.
  • English Word Preventer Definition An auxiliary rope to strengthen a mast.
  • English Word Preventing Definition of Prevent
  • English Word Preventingly Definition So as to prevent or hinder.
  • English Word Prevention Definition The act of going, or state of being, before.
  • English Word Prevention Definition Anticipation; esp., anticipation of needs or wishes; hence, precaution; forethought.
  • English Word Prevention Definition The act of preventing or hindering; obstruction of action, access, or approach; thwarting.
  • English Word Prevention Definition Prejudice; prepossession.
  • English Word Preventional Definition Tending to prevent.
  • English Word Preventive Definition Going before; preceding.
  • English Word Preventive Definition Tending to defeat or hinder; obviating; preventing the access of; as, a medicine preventive of disease.
  • English Word Preventive Definition That which prevents, hinders, or obstructs; that which intercepts access; in medicine, something to prevent disease; a prophylactic.
  • English Word Preventively Definition In a preventive manner.
  • English Word Prevertebral Definition Situated immediately in front, or on the ventral side, of the vertebral column; prespinal.
  • English Word Previous Definition Going before in time; being or happening before something else; antecedent; prior; as, previous arrangements; a previous illness.