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  • English Word Prick Definition To be punctured; to suffer or feel a sharp pain, as by puncture; as, a sore finger pricks.
  • English Word Prick Definition To spur onward; to ride on horseback.
  • English Word Prick Definition To become sharp or acid; to turn sour, as wine.
  • English Word Prick Definition To aim at a point or mark.
  • English Word Prick-eared Definition Having erect, pointed ears; -- said of certain dogs.
  • English Word Pricked Definition of Prick
  • English Word Pricker Definition One who, or that which, pricks; a pointed instrument; a sharp point; a prickle.
  • English Word Pricker Definition One who spurs forward; a light horseman.
  • English Word Pricker Definition A priming wire; a priming needle, -- used in blasting and gunnery.
  • English Word Pricker Definition A small marline spike having generally a wooden handle, -- used in sailmaking.
  • English Word Pricket Definition A buck in his second year. See Note under 3d Buck.
  • English Word Pricking Definition of Prick
  • English Word Pricking Definition The act of piercing or puncturing with a sharp point.
  • English Word Pricking Definition The driving of a nail into a horse's foot so as to produce lameness.
  • English Word Pricking Definition Same as Nicking.
  • English Word Pricking Definition A sensation of being pricked.
  • English Word Pricking Definition The mark or trace left by a hare's foot; a prick; also, the act of tracing a hare by its footmarks.
  • English Word Pricking Definition Dressing one's self for show; prinking.
  • English Word Pricking-up Definition The first coating of plaster in work of three coats upon laths. Its surface is scratched once to form a better key for the next coat. In the United States called scratch coat.
  • English Word Prickle Definition A little prick; a small, sharp point; a fine, sharp process or projection, as from the skin of an animal, the bark of a plant, etc.; a spine.
  • English Word Prickle Definition A kind of willow basket; -- a term still used in some branches of trade.
  • English Word Prickle Definition A sieve of filberts, -- about fifty pounds.
  • English Word Prickle Definition To prick slightly, as with prickles, or fine, sharp points.
  • English Word Prickleback Definition Alt. of Pricklefish
  • English Word Pricklefish Definition The stickleback.
  • English Word Prickliness Definition The quality of being prickly, or of having many prickles.
  • English Word Prickling Definition Prickly.
  • English Word Pricklouse Definition A tailor; -- so called in contempt.
  • English Word Prickly Definition Full of sharp points or prickles; armed or covered with prickles; as, a prickly shrub.
  • English Word Prickmadam Definition A name given to several species of stonecrop, used as ingredients of vermifuge medicines. See Stonecrop.