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  • English Word Pretentative Definition Fitted for trial beforehand; experimental.
  • English Word Pretentious Definition Full of pretension; disposed to lay claim to more than is one's; presuming; assuming.
  • English Word Preter- Definition A prefix signifying past, by, beyond, more than; as, preter- mission, a permitting to go by; preternatural, beyond or more than is natural.
  • English Word Preterhuman Definition More than human.
  • English Word Preterient Definition Passed through; antecedent; previous; as, preterient states.
  • English Word Preterimperfect Definition Old name of the tense also called imperfect.
  • English Word Preterist Definition One whose chief interest is in the past; one who regards the past with most pleasure or favor.
  • English Word Preterist Definition One who believes the prophecies of the Apocalypse to have been already fulfilled.
  • English Word Preterit Definition Past; -- applied to a tense which expresses an action or state as past.
  • English Word Preterit Definition Belonging wholly to the past; passed by.
  • English Word Preterit Definition The preterit; also, a word in the preterit tense.
  • English Word Preterite Definition Same as Preterit.
  • English Word Preteriteness Definition Same as Preteritness.
  • English Word Preterition Definition The act of passing, or going past; the state of being past.
  • English Word Preterition Definition A figure by which, in pretending to pass over anything, a summary mention of it is made; as, "I will not say, he is valiant, he is learned, he is just." Called also paraleipsis.
  • English Word Preterition Definition The omission by a testator of some one of his heirs who is entitled to a portion.
  • English Word Preteritive Definition Used only or chiefly in the preterit or past tenses, as certain verbs.
  • English Word Preteritness Definition The quality or state of being past.
  • English Word Preterlapsed Definition Past; as, preterlapsed ages.
  • English Word Preterlegal Definition Exceeding the limits of law.
  • English Word Pretermission Definition The act of passing by or omitting; omission.
  • English Word Pretermission Definition See Preterition.
  • English Word Pretermit Definition To pass by; to omit; to disregard.
  • English Word Pretermitted Definition of Pretermit
  • English Word Pretermitting Definition of Pretermit
  • English Word Preternatural Definition Beyond of different from what is natural, or according to the regular course of things, but not clearly supernatural or miraculous; strange; inexplicable; extraordinary; uncommon; irregular; abnormal; as, a preternatural appearance; a preternatural stillness; a preternatural presentation (in childbirth) or labor.
  • English Word Preternaturalism Definition The state of being preternatural; a preternatural condition.
  • English Word Preternaturality Definition Preternaturalness.
  • English Word Preternaturally Definition In a preternatural manner or degree.
  • English Word Preternaturalness Definition The quality or state of being preternatural.