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  • English Word Preterperfect Definition Old name of the tense also called preterit.
  • English Word Preterpluperfect Definition Old name of the tense also called pluperfect.
  • English Word Pretertiary Definition Earlier than Tertiary.
  • English Word Pretervection Definition The act of carrying past or beyond.
  • English Word Pretex Definition To frame; to devise; to disguise or excuse; hence, to pretend; to declare falsely.
  • English Word Pretext Definition Ostensible reason or motive assigned or assumed as a color or cover for the real reason or motive; pretense; disguise.
  • English Word Pretexture Definition A pretext.
  • English Word Pretibial Definition Situated in front of the tibia.
  • English Word Pretor Definition A civil officer or magistrate among the ancient Romans.
  • English Word Pretor Definition Hence, a mayor or magistrate.
  • English Word Pretorial Definition Pretorian.
  • English Word Pretorian Definition Of or pertaining to a pretor or magistrate; judicial; exercised by, or belonging to, a pretor; as, pretorian power or authority.
  • English Word Pretorian Definition A soldier of the pretorian guard.
  • English Word Pretorium Definition The general's tent in a Roman camp; hence, a council of war, because held in the general's tent.
  • English Word Pretorium Definition The official residence of a governor of a province; hence, a place; a splendid country seat.
  • English Word Pretorship Definition The office or dignity of a pretor.
  • English Word Pretorture Definition To torture beforehand.
  • English Word Prettily Definition In a pretty manner.
  • English Word Prettiness Definition The quality or state of being pretty; -- used sometimes in a disparaging sense.
  • English Word Pretty Definition Pleasing by delicacy or grace; attracting, but not striking or impressing; of a pleasing and attractive form a color; having slight or diminutive beauty; neat or elegant without elevation or grandeur; pleasingly, but not grandly, conceived or expressed; as, a pretty face; a pretty flower; a pretty poem.
  • English Word Pretty Definition Moderately large; considerable; as, he had saved a pretty fortune.
  • English Word Pretty Definition Affectedly nice; foppish; -- used in an ill sense.
  • English Word Pretty Definition Mean; despicable; contemptible; -- used ironically; as, a pretty trick; a pretty fellow.
  • English Word Pretty Definition Stout; strong and brave; intrepid; valiant.
  • English Word Pretty Definition In some degree; moderately; considerably; rather; almost; -- less emphatic than very; as, I am pretty sure of the fact; pretty cold weather.
  • English Word Pretty-spoken Definition Spoken or speaking prettily.
  • English Word Prettyish Definition Somewhat pretty.
  • English Word Prettyism Definition Affectation of a pretty style, manner, etc.
  • English Word Pretypified Definition of Pretypify
  • English Word Pretypify Definition To prefigure; to exhibit previously in a type.