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  • English Word Pretence Definition Alt. of Pretenceless
  • English Word Pretence Definition The act of laying claim; the claim laid; assumption; pretension.
  • English Word Pretence Definition The act of holding out, or offering, to others something false or feigned; presentation of what is deceptive or hypocritical; deception by showing what is unreal and concealing what is real; false show; simulation; as, pretense of illness; under pretense of patriotism; on pretense of revenging Caesar's death.
  • English Word Pretence Definition That which is pretended; false, deceptive, or hypocritical show, argument, or reason; pretext; feint.
  • English Word Pretence Definition Intention; design.
  • English Word Pretenceful Definition Alt. of Pretenceless
  • English Word Pretenceless Definition See Pretense, Pretenseful, Pretenseless.
  • English Word Pretend Definition To lay a claim to; to allege a title to; to claim.
  • English Word Pretend Definition To hold before, or put forward, as a cloak or disguise for something else; to exhibit as a veil for something hidden.
  • English Word Pretend Definition To hold out, or represent, falsely; to put forward, or offer, as true or real (something untrue or unreal); to show hypocritically, or for the purpose of deceiving; to simulate; to feign; as, to pretend friendship.
  • English Word Pretend Definition To intend; to design; to plot; to attempt.
  • English Word Pretend Definition To hold before one; to extend.
  • English Word Pretend Definition To put in, or make, a claim, truly or falsely; to allege a title; to lay claim to, or strive after, something; -- usually with to.
  • English Word Pretend Definition To hold out the appearance of being, possessing, or performing; to profess; to make believe; to feign; to sham; as, to pretend to be asleep.
  • English Word Pretendant Definition A pretender; a claimant.
  • English Word Pretended Definition of Pretend
  • English Word Pretended Definition Making a false appearance; unreal; false; as, pretended friend.
  • English Word Pretendence Definition The act of pretending; pretense.
  • English Word Pretender Definition One who lays claim, or asserts a title (to something); a claimant.
  • English Word Pretender Definition The pretender (Eng. Hist.), the son or the grandson of James II., the heir of the royal family of Stuart, who laid claim to the throne of Great Britain, from which the house was excluded by law.
  • English Word Pretender Definition One who pretends, simulates, or feigns.
  • English Word Pretendership Definition The character, right, or claim of a pretender.
  • English Word Pretending Definition of Pretend
  • English Word Pretendingly Definition As by right or title; arrogantly; presumptuously.
  • English Word Pretense Definition Alt. of Pretence
  • English Word Pretensed Definition Pretended; feigned.
  • English Word Pretenseful Definition Abounding in pretenses.
  • English Word Pretenseless Definition Not having or making pretenses.
  • English Word Pretension Definition The act of pretending, or laying claim; the act of asserting right or title.
  • English Word Pretension Definition A claim made, whether true or false; a right alleged or assumed; a holding out the appearance of possessing a certain character; as, pretensions to scholarship.