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  • English Word Press Definition The act of pressing or thronging forward.
  • English Word Press Definition Urgent demands of business or affairs; urgency; as, a press of engagements.
  • English Word Press Definition A multitude of individuals crowded together; / crowd of single things; a throng.
  • English Word Presscapula Definition The part of the scapula in front of, or above, the spine, or mesoscapula.
  • English Word Pressed Definition of Press
  • English Word Presser Definition One who, or that which, presses.
  • English Word Pressgang Definition See Press gang, under Press.
  • English Word Pressing Definition of Press
  • English Word Pressing Definition Urgent; exacting; importunate; as, a pressing necessity.
  • English Word Pression Definition The act of pressing; pressure.
  • English Word Pression Definition An endeavor to move.
  • English Word Pressiroster Definition One of a tribe of wading birds (Pressirostres) including those which have a compressed beak, as the plovers.
  • English Word Pressirostral Definition Of or pertaining to the pressirosters.
  • English Word Pressitant Definition Gravitating; heavy.
  • English Word Pressive Definition Pressing; urgent; also, oppressive; as, pressive taxation.
  • English Word Pressly Definition Closely; concisely.
  • English Word Pressman Definition One who manages, or attends to, a press, esp. a printing press.
  • English Word Pressman Definition One who presses clothes; as, a tailor's pressman.
  • English Word Pressman Definition One of a press gang, who aids in forcing men into the naval service; also, one forced into the service.
  • English Word Pressmen Definition of Pressman
  • English Word Pressor Definition Causing, or giving rise to, pressure or to an increase of pressure; as, pressor nerve fibers, stimulation of which excites the vasomotor center, thus causing a stronger contraction of the arteries and consequently an increase of the arterial blood pressure; -- opposed to depressor.
  • English Word Presspack Definition To pack, or prepare for packing, by means of a press.
  • English Word Presstriction Definition Obstruction, dimness, or defect of sight.
  • English Word Pressurage Definition Pressure.
  • English Word Pressurage Definition The juice of the grape extracted by the press; also, a fee paid for the use of a wine press.
  • English Word Pressure Definition The act of pressing, or the condition of being pressed; compression; a squeezing; a crushing; as, a pressure of the hand.
  • English Word Pressure Definition A contrasting force or impulse of any kind; as, the pressure of poverty; the pressure of taxes; the pressure of motives on the mind; the pressure of civilization.
  • English Word Pressure Definition Affliction; distress; grievance.
  • English Word Pressure Definition Urgency; as, the pressure of business.
  • English Word Pressure Definition Impression; stamp; character impressed.