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  • English Word Pregnant Definition A pregnant woman.
  • English Word Pregnant Definition Affording entrance; receptive; yielding; willing; open; prompt.
  • English Word Pregnantly Definition In a pregnant manner; fruitfully; significantly.
  • English Word Pregnantly Definition Unresistingly; openly; hence, clearly; evidently.
  • English Word Pregravate Definition To bear down; to depress.
  • English Word Pregravitate Definition To descend by gravity; to sink.
  • English Word Pregustant Definition Tasting beforehand; having a foretaste.
  • English Word Pregustation Definition The act of tasting beforehand; foretaste.
  • English Word Prehallux Definition An extra first toe, or rudiment of a toe, on the preaxial side of the hallux.
  • English Word Prehend Definition To lay hold of; to seize.
  • English Word Prehensi-ble Definition Capable of being seized.
  • English Word Prehensile Definition Adapted to seize or grasp; seizing; grasping; as, the prehensile tail of a monkey.
  • English Word Prehension Definition The act of taking hold, seizing, or grasping, as with the hand or other member.
  • English Word Prehensory Definition Adapted to seize or grasp; prehensile.
  • English Word Prehistoric Definition Of or pertaining to a period before written history begins; as, the prehistoric ages; prehistoric man.
  • English Word Prehnite Definition A pale green mineral occurring in crystalline aggregates having a botryoidal or mammillary structure, and rarely in distinct crystals. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina and lime.
  • English Word Prehnitic Definition Pertaining to, or designating, a tetrabasic acid of benzene obtained as a white crystalline substance; -- probably so called from the resemblance of the wartlike crystals to the mammillae on the surface of prehnite.
  • English Word Preindesignate Definition Having no sign expressive of quantity; indefinite. See Predesignate.
  • English Word Preindispose Definition To render indisposed beforehand.
  • English Word Preinstruct Definition To instruct previously or beforehand.
  • English Word Preinstructed Definition of Preinstruct
  • English Word Preinstructing Definition of Preinstruct
  • English Word Preintimation Definition Previous intimation; a suggestion beforehand.
  • English Word Prejudge Definition To judge before hearing, or before full and sufficient examination; to decide or sentence by anticipation; to condemn beforehand.
  • English Word Prejudged Definition of Prejudge
  • English Word Prejudging Definition of Prejudge
  • English Word Prejudgment Definition The act of prejudging; decision before sufficient examination.
  • English Word Prejudicacy Definition Prejudice; prepossession.
  • English Word Prejudical Definition Of or pertaining to the determination of some matter not previously decided; as, a prejudical inquiry or action at law.
  • English Word Prejudicant Definition Influenced by prejudice; biased.