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  • English Word Preening Definition of Preen
  • English Word Preerect Definition To erect beforehand.
  • English Word Prees Definition Press; throng.
  • English Word Preestablish Definition To establish beforehand.
  • English Word Preestablishment Definition Settlement beforehand.
  • English Word Preeternity Definition Infinite previous duration.
  • English Word Preexamination Definition Previous examination.
  • English Word Preexamine Definition To examine beforehand.
  • English Word Preexamined Definition of Preexamine
  • English Word Preexamining Definition of Preexamine
  • English Word Preexist Definition To exist previously; to exist before something else.
  • English Word Preexisted Definition of Preexist
  • English Word Preexistence Definition Existence in a former state, or previous to something else.
  • English Word Preexistence Definition Existence of the soul before its union with the body; -- a doctrine held by certain philosophers.
  • English Word Preexistency Definition Preexistence.
  • English Word Preexistent Definition Existing previously; preceding existence; as, a preexistent state.
  • English Word Preexistentism Definition The theory of a preexistence of souls before their association with human bodies.
  • English Word Preexistimation Definition Previous esteem or estimation.
  • English Word Preexisting Definition of Preexist
  • English Word Preexpectation Definition Previous expectation.
  • English Word Preface Definition Something spoken as introductory to a discourse, or written as introductory to a book or essay; a proem; an introduction, or series of preliminary remarks.
  • English Word Preface Definition The prelude or introduction to the canon of the Mass.
  • English Word Preface Definition To introduce by a preface; to give a preface to; as, to preface a book discourse.
  • English Word Preface Definition To make a preface.
  • English Word Prefaced Definition of Preface
  • English Word Prefacer Definition The writer of a preface.
  • English Word Prefacing Definition of Preface
  • English Word Prefatorial Definition Prefatory.
  • English Word Prefatorily Definition In a prefatory manner; by way of preface.
  • English Word Prefatory Definition Pertaining to, or of the nature of, a preface; introductory to a book, essay, or discourse; as, prefatory remarks.