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  • English Word Prelude Definition An introductory performance, preceding and preparing for the principal matter; a preliminary part, movement, strain, etc.; especially (Mus.), a strain introducing the theme or chief subject; a movement introductory to a fugue, yet independent; -- with recent composers often synonymous with overture.
  • English Word Prelude Definition To play an introduction or prelude; to give a prefatory performance; to serve as prelude.
  • English Word Prelude Definition To introduce with a previous performance; to play or perform a prelude to; as, to prelude a concert with a lively air.
  • English Word Prelude Definition To serve as prelude to; to precede as introductory.
  • English Word Preluded Definition of Prelude
  • English Word Preluder Definition One who, or that which, preludes; one who plays a prelude.
  • English Word Preludial Definition Of or pertaining to a prelude; of the nature of a prelude; introductory.
  • English Word Preluding Definition of Prelude
  • English Word Preludious Definition Preludial.
  • English Word Prelumbar Definition Situated immediately in front of the loins; -- applied to the dorsal part of the abdomen.
  • English Word Prelusive Definition Of the nature of a prelude; introductory; indicating that something of a like kind is to follow.
  • English Word Prelusorily Definition In a prelusory way.
  • English Word Prelusory Definition Introductory; prelusive.
  • English Word Premature Definition Mature or ripe before the proper time; as, the premature fruits of a hotbed.
  • English Word Premature Definition Happening, arriving, existing, or performed before the proper or usual time; adopted too soon; too early; untimely; as, a premature fall of snow; a premature birth; a premature opinion; premature decay.
  • English Word Premature Definition Arriving or received without due authentication or evidence; as, a premature report.
  • English Word Prematurity Definition The quality or state of being premature; early, or untimely, ripeness; as, the prematurity of genius.
  • English Word Premaxilla Definition A bone on either side of the middle line between the nose and mouth, forming the anterior part of each half of the upper jawbone; the intermaxilla. In man the premaxillae become united and form the incisor part of the maxillary bone.
  • English Word Premaxillae Definition of Premaxilla
  • English Word Premaxillary Definition Situated in front of the maxillary bones; pertaining to the premaxillae; intermaxillary.
  • English Word Premaxillary Definition A premaxilla.
  • English Word Premediate Definition To advocate.
  • English Word Premeditate Definition To think on, and revolve in the mind, beforehand; to contrive and design previously; as, to premeditate robbery.
  • English Word Premeditate Definition To think, consider, deliberate, or revolve in the mind, beforehand.
  • English Word Premeditate Definition Premeditated; deliberate.
  • English Word Premeditated Definition of Premeditate
  • English Word Premeditately Definition With premeditation.
  • English Word Premeditating Definition of Premeditate
  • English Word Premeditation Definition The act of meditating or contriving beforehand; previous deliberation; forethought.
  • English Word Premerit Definition To merit or deserve beforehand.