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  • English Word Prefigure Definition To show, suggest, or announce, by antecedent types and similitudes; to foreshadow.
  • English Word Prefigured Definition of Prefigure
  • English Word Prefigurement Definition The act of prefiguring; prefiguration; also, that which is prefigured.
  • English Word Prefiguring Definition of Prefigure
  • English Word Prefine Definition To limit beforehand.
  • English Word Prefinite Definition Prearranged.
  • English Word Prefinition Definition Previous limitation.
  • English Word Prefix Definition To put or fix before, or at the beginning of, another thing; as, to prefix a syllable to a word, or a condition to an agreement.
  • English Word Prefix Definition To set or appoint beforehand; to settle or establish antecedently.
  • English Word Prefix Definition That which is prefixed; esp., one or more letters or syllables combined or united with the beginning of a word to modify its signification; as, pre- in prefix, con- in conjure.
  • English Word Prefixed Definition of Prefix
  • English Word Prefixing Definition of Prefix
  • English Word Prefixion Definition The act of prefixing.
  • English Word Prefloration Definition Aestivation.
  • English Word Prefoliation Definition Vernation.
  • English Word Preform Definition To form beforehand, or for special ends.
  • English Word Preformation Definition An old theory of the preexistence of germs. Cf. Embo/tement.
  • English Word Preformative Definition A formative letter at the beginning of a word.
  • English Word Prefrontal Definition Situated in front of the frontal bone, or the frontal region of the skull; ectethmoid, as a certain bone in the nasal capsule of many animals, and certain scales of reptiles and fishes.
  • English Word Prefrontal Definition A prefrontal bone or scale.
  • English Word Prefulgency Definition Superior brightness or effulgency.
  • English Word Pregage Definition To preengage.
  • English Word Preglacial Definition Prior to the glacial or drift period.
  • English Word Pregnable Definition Capable of being entered, taken, or captured; expugnable; as, a pregnable fort.
  • English Word Pregnance Definition Pregnancy.
  • English Word Pregnancy Definition The condition of being pregnant; the state of being with young.
  • English Word Pregnancy Definition Figuratively: The quality of being heavy with important contents, issue, significance, etc.; unusual consequence or capacity; fertility.
  • English Word Pregnant Definition Being with young, as a female; having conceived; great with young; breeding; teeming; gravid; preparing to bring forth.
  • English Word Pregnant Definition Heavy with important contents, significance, or issue; full of consequence or results; weighty; as, pregnant replies.
  • English Word Pregnant Definition Full of promise; abounding in ability, resources, etc.; as, a pregnant youth.