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  • English Word Predomination Definition The act or state of predominating; ascendency; predominance.
  • English Word Predoom Definition To foredoom.
  • English Word Predorsal Definition Situated in front of the back; immediately in front, or on the ventral side the dorsal part of the vertebral column.
  • English Word Predy Definition Cleared and ready for engagement, as a ship.
  • English Word Preedy Definition With ease.
  • English Word Preef Definition Proof.
  • English Word Preelect Definition To elect beforehand.
  • English Word Preelection Definition Election beforehand.
  • English Word Preeminence Definition The quality or state of being preeminent; superiority in prominence or in excellence; distinction above others in quality, rank, etc.; rarely, in a bad sense, superiority or notoriety in evil; as, preeminence in honor.
  • English Word Preeminent Definition Eminent above others; prominent among those who are eminent; superior in excellence; surpassing, or taking precedence of, others; rarely, surpassing others in evil, or in bad qualities; as, preeminent in guilt.
  • English Word Preeminently Definition In a preeminent degree.
  • English Word Preemploy Definition To employ beforehand.
  • English Word Preempt Definition To settle upon (public land) with a right of preemption, as under the laws of the United States; to take by preemption.
  • English Word Preempted Definition of Preempt
  • English Word Preempting Definition of Preempt
  • English Word Preemption Definition The act or right of purchasing before others.
  • English Word Preemption Definition The privilege or prerogative formerly enjoyed by the king of buying provisions for his household in preference to others.
  • English Word Preemption Definition The right of an actual settler upon public lands (particularly those of the United States) to purchase a certain portion at a fixed price in preference to all other applicants.
  • English Word Preemptioner Definition One who holds a prior to purchase certain public land.
  • English Word Preemptive Definition Of or pertaining to preemption; having power to preempt; preempting.
  • English Word Preemptory Definition Pertaining to preemption.
  • English Word Preemtor Definition One who preempts; esp., one who preempts public land.
  • English Word Preen Definition A forked tool used by clothiers in dressing cloth.
  • English Word Preen Definition To dress with, or as with, a preen; to trim or dress with the beak, as the feathers; -- said of birds.
  • English Word Preen Definition To trim up, as trees.
  • English Word Preened Definition of Preen
  • English Word Preengage Definition To engage by previous contract; to bind or attach previously; to preoccupy.
  • English Word Preengaged Definition of Preengage
  • English Word Preengagement Definition Prior engagement, obligation, or attachment, as by contract, promise, or affection.
  • English Word Preengaging Definition of Preengage