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  • English Word Predelineation Definition Previous delineation.
  • English Word Predella Definition The step, or raised secondary part, of an altar; a superaltar; hence, in Italian painting, a band or frieze of several pictures running along the front of a superaltar, or forming a border or frame at the foot of an altarpiece.
  • English Word Predermining Definition of Predetermine
  • English Word Predesign Definition To design or purpose beforehand; to predetermine.
  • English Word Predesignate Definition A term used by Sir William Hamilton to define propositions having their quantity indicated by a verbal sign; as, all, none, etc.; -- contrasted with preindesignate, defining propositions of which the quantity is not so indicated.
  • English Word Predestinarian Definition Of or pertaining to predestination; as, the predestinarian controversy.
  • English Word Predestinarian Definition One who believes in or supports the doctrine of predestination.
  • English Word Predestinarianism Definition The system or doctrine of the predestinarians.
  • English Word Predestinary Definition Predestinarian.
  • English Word Predestinate Definition Predestinated; foreordained; fated.
  • English Word Predestinate Definition To predetermine or foreordain; to appoint or ordain beforehand by an unchangeable purpose or decree; to preelect.
  • English Word Predestinated Definition of Predestinate
  • English Word Predestinating Definition of Predestinate
  • English Word Predestination Definition The act of predestinating.
  • English Word Predestination Definition The purpose of Good from eternity respecting all events; especially, the preordination of men to everlasting happiness or misery. See Calvinism.
  • English Word Predestinative Definition Determining beforehand; predestinating.
  • English Word Predestinator Definition One who predestinates, or foreordains.
  • English Word Predestinator Definition One who holds to the doctrine of predestination; a predestinarian.
  • English Word Predestine Definition To decree beforehand; to foreordain; to predestinate.
  • English Word Predestined Definition of Predestine
  • English Word Predestining Definition of Predestine
  • English Word Predestiny Definition Predestination.
  • English Word Predeterminable Definition Capable of being determined beforehand.
  • English Word Predeterminate Definition Determined beforehand; as, the predeterminate counsel of God.
  • English Word Predetermination Definition The act of previous determination; a purpose formed beforehand; as, the predetermination of God's will.
  • English Word Predetermine Definition To determine (something) beforehand.
  • English Word Predetermine Definition To doom by previous decree; to foredoom.
  • English Word Predetermine Definition To determine beforehand.
  • English Word Predetermined Definition of Predetermine
  • English Word Predial Definition Consisting of land or farms; landed; as, predial estate; that is, real estate.