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  • English Word Precision Definition The quality or state of being precise; exact limitation; exactness; accuracy; strict conformity to a rule or a standard; definiteness.
  • English Word Precisive Definition Cutting off; (Logic) exactly limiting by cutting off all that is not absolutely relative to the purpose; as, precisive censure; precisive abstraction.
  • English Word Preclude Definition To put a barrier before; hence, to shut out; to hinder; to stop; to impede.
  • English Word Preclude Definition To shut out by anticipative action; to prevent or hinder by necessary consequence or implication; to deter action of, access to, employment of, etc.; to render ineffectual; to obviate by anticipation.
  • English Word Precluded Definition of Preclude
  • English Word Precluding Definition of Preclude
  • English Word Preclusion Definition The act of precluding, or the state of being precluded; a shutting out.
  • English Word Preclusive Definition Shutting out; precluding, or tending to preclude; hindering.
  • English Word Precoce Definition Precocious.
  • English Word Precoces Definition Same as Praecoces.
  • English Word Precocious Definition Ripe or mature before the proper or natural time; early or prematurely ripe or developed; as, precocious trees.
  • English Word Precocious Definition Developed more than is natural or usual at a given age; exceeding what is to be expected of one's years; too forward; -- used especially of mental forwardness; as, a precocious child; precocious talents.
  • English Word Precociously Definition In a precocious manner.
  • English Word Precociousness Definition Alt. of Precocity
  • English Word Precocity Definition The quality or state of being precocious; untimely ripeness; premature development, especially of the mental powers; forwardness.
  • English Word Precoetanean Definition One contemporary with, but older than, another.
  • English Word Precogita/tion Definition Previous cogitation.
  • English Word Precogitate Definition To cogitate beforehand.
  • English Word Precognition Definition Previous cognition.
  • English Word Precognition Definition A preliminary examination of a criminal case with reference to a prosecution.
  • English Word Precognizable Definition Cognizable beforehand.
  • English Word Precognosce Definition To examine beforehand, as witnesses or evidence.
  • English Word Precollection Definition A collection previously made.
  • English Word Precompose Definition To compose beforehand.
  • English Word Precomposed Definition of Precompose
  • English Word Precomposing Definition of Precompose
  • English Word Preconceit Definition An opinion or notion formed beforehand; a preconception.
  • English Word Preconceive Definition To conceive, or form an opinion of, beforehand; to form a previous notion or idea of.
  • English Word Preconceived Definition of Preconceive
  • English Word Preconceiving Definition of Preconceive