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  • English Word Precoracoid Definition The anterior part of the coracoid (often closely united with the clavicle) in the shoulder girdle of many reptiles and amphibians.
  • English Word Precordial Definition Situated in front of the heart; of or pertaining to the praecordia.
  • English Word Precrural Definition Situated in front of the leg or thigh; as, the precrural glands of the horse.
  • English Word Precurrer Definition A precursor.
  • English Word Precurse Definition A forerunning.
  • English Word Precursive Definition Preceding; introductory; precursory.
  • English Word Precursor Definition One who, or that which, precedes an event, and indicates its approach; a forerunner; a harbinger.
  • English Word Precursorship Definition The position or condition of a precursor.
  • English Word Precursory Definition Preceding as a precursor or harbinger; indicating something to follow; as, precursory symptoms of a fever.
  • English Word Precursory Definition An introduction.
  • English Word Predacean Definition A carnivorous animal.
  • English Word Predaceous Definition Living by prey; predatory.
  • English Word Predal Definition Of or pertaining to prey; plundering; predatory.
  • English Word Predate Definition To date anticipation; to affix to (a document) an earlier than the actual date; to antedate; as, a predated deed or letter.
  • English Word Predation Definition The act of pillaging.
  • English Word Predatorily Definition In a predatory manner.
  • English Word Predatory Definition Characterized by plundering; practicing rapine; plundering; pillaging; as, a predatory excursion; a predatory party.
  • English Word Predatory Definition Hungry; ravenous; as, predatory spirits.
  • English Word Predatory Definition Living by preying upon other animals; carnivorous.
  • English Word Prede Definition To prey; to plunder.
  • English Word Prede Definition Prey; plunder; booty.
  • English Word Predecay Definition Premature decay.
  • English Word Predecease Definition To die sooner than.
  • English Word Predecease Definition The death of one person or thing before another.
  • English Word Predecessive Definition Going before; preceding.
  • English Word Predecessor Definition One who precedes; one who has preceded another in any state, position, office, etc.; one whom another follows or comes after, in any office or position.
  • English Word Predeclare Definition To declare or announce beforehand; to preannounce.
  • English Word Prededication Definition A dedication made previously or beforehand.
  • English Word Predefine Definition To define beforehand.
  • English Word Predeliberation Definition Previous deliberation.