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  • English Word Precipitate Definition Overhasty; rash; as, the king was too precipitate in declaring war.
  • English Word Precipitate Definition Lacking due deliberation or care; hurried; said or done before the time; as, a precipitate measure.
  • English Word Precipitate Definition Falling, flowing, or rushing, with steep descent; headlong.
  • English Word Precipitate Definition Ending quickly in death; brief and fatal; as, a precipitate case of disease.
  • English Word Precipitate Definition An insoluble substance separated from a solution in a concrete state by the action of some reagent added to the solution, or of some force, such as heat or cold. The precipitate may fall to the bottom (whence the name), may be diffused through the solution, or may float at or near the surface.
  • English Word Precipitate Definition To throw headlong; to cast down from a precipice or height.
  • English Word Precipitate Definition To urge or press on with eager haste or violence; to cause to happen, or come to a crisis, suddenly or too soon; as, precipitate a journey, or a conflict.
  • English Word Precipitate Definition To separate from a solution, or other medium, in the form of a precipitate; as, water precipitates camphor when in solution with alcohol.
  • English Word Precipitate Definition To dash or fall headlong.
  • English Word Precipitate Definition To hasten without preparation.
  • English Word Precipitate Definition To separate from a solution as a precipitate. See Precipitate, n.
  • English Word Precipitated Definition of Precipitate
  • English Word Precipitately Definition In a precipitate manner; headlong; hastily; rashly.
  • English Word Precipitating Definition of Precipitate
  • English Word Precipitation Definition The act of precipitating, or the state of being precipitated, or thrown headlong.
  • English Word Precipitation Definition A falling, flowing, or rushing downward with violence and rapidity.
  • English Word Precipitation Definition Great hurry; rash, tumultuous haste; impetuosity.
  • English Word Precipitation Definition The act or process of precipitating from a solution.
  • English Word Precipitator Definition One who precipitates, or urges on with vehemence or rashness.
  • English Word Precipitious Definition Precipitous.
  • English Word Precipitous Definition Steep, like a precipice; as, a precipitous cliff or mountain.
  • English Word Precipitous Definition Headlong; as, precipitous fall.
  • English Word Precipitous Definition Hasty; rash; quick; sudden; precipitate; as, precipitous attempts.
  • English Word Precis Definition A concise or abridged statement or view; an abstract; a summary.
  • English Word Precise Definition Having determinate limitations; exactly or sharply defined or stated; definite; exact; nice; not vague or equivocal; as, precise rules of morality.
  • English Word Precise Definition Strictly adhering or conforming to rule; very nice or exact; punctilious in conduct or ceremony; formal; ceremonious.
  • English Word Precisian Definition One who limits, or restrains.
  • English Word Precisian Definition An overprecise person; one rigidly or ceremoniously exact in the observance of rules; a formalist; -- formerly applied to the English Puritans.
  • English Word Precisianism Definition The quality or state of being a precisian; the practice of a precisian.
  • English Word Precisianist Definition A precisian.