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  • English Word Preative Definition Alt. of Preatory
  • English Word Preatory Definition Suppliant; beseeching.
  • English Word Preaudience Definition Precedence of rank at the bar among lawyers.
  • English Word Preaxial Definition Situated in front of any transverse axis in the body of an animal; anterior; cephalic; esp., in front, or on the anterior, or cephalic (that is, radial or tibial) side of the axis of a limb.
  • English Word Prebend Definition A payment or stipend; esp., the stipend or maintenance granted to a prebendary out of the estate of a cathedral or collegiate church with which he is connected. See Note under Benefice.
  • English Word Prebend Definition A prebendary.
  • English Word Prebendal Definition Of or pertaining to a prebend; holding a prebend; as, a prebendal priest or stall.
  • English Word Prebendary Definition A clergyman attached to a collegiate or cathedral church who enjoys a prebend in consideration of his officiating at stated times in the church. See Note under Benefice, n., 3.
  • English Word Prebendary Definition A prebendaryship.
  • English Word Prebendaryship Definition The office of a prebendary.
  • English Word Prebendate Definition To invest with the office of prebendary; to present to a prebend.
  • English Word Prebendship Definition A prebendaryship.
  • English Word Prebronchial Definition Situated in front of the bronchus; -- applied especially to an air sac on either side of the esophagus of birds.
  • English Word Precalculate Definition To calculate or determine beforehand; to prearrange.
  • English Word Precant Definition One who prays.
  • English Word Precarious Definition Depending on the will or pleasure of another; held by courtesy; liable to be changed or lost at the pleasure of another; as, precarious privileges.
  • English Word Precarious Definition Held by a doubtful tenure; depending on unknown causes or events; exposed to constant risk; not to be depended on for certainty or stability; uncertain; as, a precarious state of health; precarious fortunes.
  • English Word Precation Definition The act of praying; supplication; entreaty.
  • English Word Precaution Definition Previous caution or care; caution previously employed to prevent mischief or secure good; as, his life was saved by precaution.
  • English Word Precaution Definition A measure taken beforehand to ward off evil or secure good or success; a precautionary act; as, to take precautions against accident.
  • English Word Precaution Definition To warn or caution beforehand.
  • English Word Precaution Definition To take precaution against.
  • English Word Precautional Definition Precautionary.
  • English Word Precautionary Definition Of or pertaining to precaution, or precautions; as, precautionary signals.
  • English Word Precautious Definition Taking or using precaution; precautionary.
  • English Word Precedaneous Definition Preceding; antecedent; previous.
  • English Word Precede Definition To go before in order of time; to occur first with relation to anything.
  • English Word Precede Definition To go before in place, rank, or importance.
  • English Word Precede Definition To cause to be preceded; to preface; to introduce; -- used with by or with before the instrumental object.
  • English Word Preceded Definition of Precede