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  • English Word Popinjay Definition A trifling, chattering, fop or coxcomb.
  • English Word Popish Definition Of or pertaining to the pope; taught or ordained by the pope; hence, of or pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church; -- often used opprobriously.
  • English Word Poplar Definition Any tree of the genus Populus; also, the timber, which is soft, and capable of many uses.
  • English Word Poplar Definition The timber of the tulip tree; -- called also white poplar.
  • English Word Poplexy Definition Apoplexy.
  • English Word Poplin Definition A fabric of many varieties, usually made of silk and worsted, -- used especially for women's dresses.
  • English Word Popliteal Definition Of or pertaining to the ham; in the region of the ham, or behind the knee joint; as, the popliteal space.
  • English Word Poplitic Definition Popliteal.
  • English Word Popped Definition of Pop
  • English Word Popper Definition A utensil for popping corn, usually a wire basket with a long handle.
  • English Word Popper Definition A dagger.
  • English Word Poppet Definition See Puppet.
  • English Word Poppet Definition One of certain upright timbers on the bilge ways, used to support a vessel in launching.
  • English Word Poppet Definition An upright support or guide fastened at the bottom only.
  • English Word Poppied Definition Mingled or interspersed with poppies.
  • English Word Poppied Definition Affected with poppy juice; hence, figuratively, drugged; drowsy; listless; inactive.
  • English Word Poppies Definition of Poppy
  • English Word Popping Definition of Pop
  • English Word Popping Definition a. & n. from Pop.
  • English Word Popple Definition To move quickly up and down; to bob up and down, as a cork on rough water; also, to bubble.
  • English Word Popple Definition The poplar.
  • English Word Popple Definition Tares.
  • English Word Poppy Definition Any plant or species of the genus Papaver, herbs with showy polypetalous flowers and a milky juice. From one species (Papaver somniferum) opium is obtained, though all the species contain it to some extent; also, a flower of the plant. See Illust. of Capsule.
  • English Word Poppy Definition Alt. of Poppyhead
  • English Word Poppyhead Definition A raised ornament frequently having the form of a final. It is generally used on the tops of the upright ends or elbows which terminate seats, etc., in Gothic churches.
  • English Word Populace Definition The common people; the vulgar; the multitude, -- comprehending all persons not distinguished by rank, office, education, or profession.
  • English Word Populacy Definition Populace.
  • English Word Popular Definition Of or pertaining to the common people, or to the whole body of the people, as distinguished from a select portion; as, the popular voice; popular elections.
  • English Word Popular Definition Suitable to common people; easy to be comprehended; not abstruse; familiar; plain.
  • English Word Popular Definition Adapted to the means of the common people; possessed or obtainable by the many; hence, cheap; common; ordinary; inferior; as, popular prices; popular amusements.