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  • English Word Pole Definition To stir, as molten glass, with a pole.
  • English Word Pole Definition Either extremity of an axis of a sphere; especially, one of the extremities of the earth's axis; as, the north pole.
  • English Word Pole Definition A point upon the surface of a sphere equally distant from every part of the circumference of a great circle; or the point in which a diameter of the sphere perpendicular to the plane of such circle meets the surface. Such a point is called the pole of that circle; as, the pole of the horizon; the pole of the ecliptic; the pole of a given meridian.
  • English Word Pole Definition One of the opposite or contrasted parts or directions in which a polar force is manifested; a point of maximum intensity of a force which has two such points, or which has polarity; as, the poles of a magnet; the north pole of a needle.
  • English Word Pole Definition The firmament; the sky.
  • English Word Pole Definition See Polarity, and Polar, n.
  • English Word Poleax Definition Alt. of Poleaxe
  • English Word Poleaxe Definition Anciently, a kind of battle-ax with a long handle; later, an ax or hatchet with a short handle, and a head variously patterned; -- used by soldiers, and also by sailors in boarding a vessel.
  • English Word Polecat Definition A small European carnivore of the Weasel family (Putorius foetidus). Its scent glands secrete a substance of an exceedingly disagreeable odor. Called also fitchet, foulmart, and European ferret.
  • English Word Polecat Definition The zorilla. The name is also applied to other allied species.
  • English Word Poled Definition of Pole
  • English Word Poledavy Definition A sort of coarse canvas; poldway.
  • English Word Poleless Definition Without a pole; as, a poleless chariot.
  • English Word Polemarch Definition In Athens, originally, the military commanderin-chief; but, afterward, a civil magistrate who had jurisdiction in respect of strangers and sojourners. In other Grecian cities, a high military and civil officer.
  • English Word Polemic Definition Of or pertaining to controversy; maintaining, or involving, controversy; controversial; disputative; as, a polemic discourse or essay; polemic theology.
  • English Word Polemic Definition Engaged in, or addicted to, polemics, or to controversy; disputations; as, a polemic writer.
  • English Word Polemic Definition One who writes in support of one opinion, doctrine, or system, in opposition to another; one skilled in polemics; a controversialist; a disputant.
  • English Word Polemic Definition A polemic argument or controversy.
  • English Word Polemical Definition Polemic; controversial; disputatious.
  • English Word Polemicist Definition A polemic.
  • English Word Polemics Definition The art or practice of disputation or controversy, especially on religious subjects; that branch of theological science which pertains to the history or conduct of ecclesiastical controversy.
  • English Word Polemist Definition A polemic.
  • English Word Polemoniaceous Definition Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants (Polemoniaceae), which includes Polemonium, Phlox, Gilia, and a few other genera.
  • English Word Polemonium Definition A genus of gamopetalous perennial herbs, including the Jacob's ladder and the Greek valerian.
  • English Word Polemoscope Definition An opera glass or field glass with an oblique mirror arranged for seeing objects do not lie directly before the eye; -- called also diagonal, / side, opera glass.
  • English Word Polemy Definition Warfare; war; hence, contention; opposition.
  • English Word Polenta Definition Pudding made of Indian meal; also, porridge made of chestnut meal.
  • English Word Poler Definition One who poles.
  • English Word Poler Definition An extortioner. See Poller.
  • English Word Polestar Definition Polaris, or the north star. See North star, under North.