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  • English Word Poke Definition The act of poking; a thrust; a jog; as, a poke in the ribs.
  • English Word Poke Definition A lazy person; a dawdler; also, a stupid or uninteresting person.
  • English Word Poke Definition A contrivance to prevent an animal from leaping or breaking through fences. It consists of a yoke with a pole inserted, pointed forward.
  • English Word Pokebag Definition The European long-tailed titmouse; -- called also poke-pudding.
  • English Word Poked Definition of Poke
  • English Word Poker Definition One who pokes.
  • English Word Poker Definition That which pokes or is used in poking, especially a metal bar or rod used in stirring a fire of coals.
  • English Word Poker Definition A poking-stick.
  • English Word Poker Definition The poachard.
  • English Word Poker Definition A game at cards derived from brag, and first played about 1835 in the Southwestern United States.
  • English Word Poker Definition Any imagined frightful object, especially one supposed to haunt the darkness; a bugbear.
  • English Word Pokerish Definition Infested by pokers; adapted to excite fear; as, a pokerish place.
  • English Word Pokerish Definition Stiff like a poker.
  • English Word Poket Definition A pocket.
  • English Word Pokeweed Definition See Poke, the plant.
  • English Word Pokey Definition See Poky.
  • English Word Poking Definition of Poke
  • English Word Poking Definition Drudging; servile.
  • English Word Poking-stick Definition A small stick or rod of steel, formerly used in adjusting the plaits of ruffs.
  • English Word Poky Definition Confined; cramped.
  • English Word Poky Definition Dull; tedious; uninteresting.
  • English Word Polacca Definition A vessel with two or three masts, used in the Mediterranean. The masts are usually of one piece, and without tops, caps, or crosstrees.
  • English Word Polacca Definition See Polonaise.
  • English Word Polack Definition A Polander.
  • English Word Polacre Definition Same as Polacca, 1.
  • English Word Polander Definition A native or inhabitant of Poland; a Pole.
  • English Word Polar Definition Of or pertaining to one of the poles of the earth, or of a sphere; situated near, or proceeding from, one of the poles; as, polar regions; polar seas; polar winds.
  • English Word Polar Definition Of or pertaining to the magnetic pole, or to the point to which the magnetic needle is directed.
  • English Word Polar Definition Pertaining to, reckoned from, or having a common radiating point; as, polar coordinates.
  • English Word Polar Definition The right line drawn through the two points of contact of the two tangents drawn from a given point to a given conic section. The given point is called the pole of the line. If the given point lies within the curve so that the two tangents become imaginary, there is still a real polar line which does not meet the curve, but which possesses other properties of the polar. Thus the focus and directrix are pole and polar. There are also poles and polar curves to curves of higher degree than the second, and poles and polar planes to surfaces of the second degree.