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  • English Word Polarchy Definition See Polyarchy.
  • English Word Polaric Definition See Polar.
  • English Word Polarily Definition In a polary manner; with polarity.
  • English Word Polarimeter Definition An instrument for determining the amount of polarization of light, or the proportion of polarized light, in a partially polarized ray.
  • English Word Polarimetry Definition The art or process of measuring the polarization of light.
  • English Word Polaris Definition The polestar. See North star, under North.
  • English Word Polariscope Definition An instrument consisting essentially of a polarizer and an analyzer, used for polarizing light, and analyzing its properties.
  • English Word Polariscopic Definition Of or pertaining to the polariscope; obtained by the use of a polariscope; as, polariscopic observations.
  • English Word Polariscopy Definition The art or rocess of making observations with the polariscope.
  • English Word Polaristic Definition Pertaining to, or exhibiting, poles; having a polar arrangement or disposition; arising from, or dependent upon, the possession of poles or polar characteristics; as, polaristic antagonism.
  • English Word Polarity Definition That quality or condition of a body in virtue of which it exhibits opposite, or contrasted, properties or powers, in opposite, or contrasted, parts or directions; or a condition giving rise to a contrast of properties corresponding to a contrast of positions, as, for example, attraction and repulsion in the opposite parts of a magnet, the dissimilar phenomena corresponding to the different sides of a polarized ray of light, etc.
  • English Word Polarity Definition A property of the conic sections by virtue of which a given point determines a corresponding right line and a given right line determines a corresponding point. See Polar, n.
  • English Word Polarizable Definition Susceptible of polarization.
  • English Word Polarization Definition The act of polarizing; the state of being polarized, or of having polarity.
  • English Word Polarization Definition A peculiar affection or condition of the rays of light or heat, in consequence of which they exhibit different properties in different directions.
  • English Word Polarization Definition An effect produced upon the plates of a voltaic battery, or the electrodes in an electrolytic cell, by the deposition upon them of the gases liberated by the action of the current. It is chiefly due to the hydrogen, and results in an increase of the resistance, and the setting up of an opposing electro-motive force, both of which tend materially to weaken the current of the battery, or that passing through the cell.
  • English Word Polarize Definition To communicate polarity to.
  • English Word Polarized Definition of Polarize
  • English Word Polarizer Definition That which polarizes; especially, the part of a polariscope which receives and polarizes the light. It is usually a reflecting plate, or a plate of some crystal, as tourmaline, or a doubly refracting crystal.
  • English Word Polarizing Definition of Polarize
  • English Word Polary Definition Tending to a pole; having a direction toward a pole.
  • English Word Polatouche Definition A flying squirrel (Sciuropterus volans) native of Northern Europe and Siberia; -- called also minene.
  • English Word Polder Definition A tract of low land reclaimed from the sea by of high embankments.
  • English Word Poldway Definition A kind of coarse bagging, -- used for coal sacks.
  • English Word Pole Definition A native or inhabitant of Poland; a Polander.
  • English Word Pole Definition A long, slender piece of wood; a tall, slender piece of timber; the stem of a small tree whose branches have been removed; as, specifically: (a) A carriage pole, a wooden bar extending from the front axle of a carriage between the wheel horses, by which the carriage is guided and held back. (b) A flag pole, a pole on which a flag is supported. (c) A Maypole. See Maypole. (d) A barber's pole, a pole painted in stripes, used as a sign by barbers and hairdressers. (e) A pole on which climbing beans, hops, or other vines, are trained.
  • English Word Pole Definition A measuring stick; also, a measure of length equal to 5/ yards, or a square measure equal to 30/ square yards; a rod; a perch.
  • English Word Pole Definition To furnish with poles for support; as, to pole beans or hops.
  • English Word Pole Definition To convey on poles; as, to pole hay into a barn.
  • English Word Pole Definition To impel by a pole or poles, as a boat.