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  • English Word Pointal Definition See Poyntel.
  • English Word Pointed Definition of Point
  • English Word Pointed Definition Sharp; having a sharp point; as, a pointed rock.
  • English Word Pointed Definition Characterized by sharpness, directness, or pithiness of expression; terse; epigrammatic; especially, directed to a particular person or thing.
  • English Word Pointel Definition See Pointal.
  • English Word Pointer Definition One who, or that which, points.
  • English Word Pointer Definition The hand of a timepiece.
  • English Word Pointer Definition One of a breed of dogs trained to stop at scent of game, and with the nose point it out to sportsmen.
  • English Word Pointer Definition The two stars (Merak and Dubhe) in the Great Bear, the line between which points nearly in the direction of the north star.
  • English Word Pointer Definition Diagonal braces sometimes fixed across the hold.
  • English Word Pointing Definition of Point
  • English Word Pointing Definition The act of sharpening.
  • English Word Pointing Definition The act of designating, as a position or direction, by means of something pointed, as a finger or a rod.
  • English Word Pointing Definition The act or art of punctuating; punctuation.
  • English Word Pointing Definition The act of filling and finishing the joints in masonry with mortar, cement, etc.; also, the material so used.
  • English Word Pointing Definition The rubbing off of the point of the wheat grain in the first process of high milling.
  • English Word Pointing Definition The act or process of measuring, at the various distances from the surface of a block of marble, the surface of a future piece of statuary; also, a process used in cutting the statue from the artist's model.
  • English Word Pointingstock Definition An object of ridicule or scorn; a laughingstock.
  • English Word Pointless Definition Having no point; blunt; wanting keenness; obtuse; as, a pointless sword; a pointless remark.
  • English Word Pointlessly Definition Without point.
  • English Word Pointleted Definition Having a small, distinct point; apiculate.
  • English Word Pointrel Definition A graving tool.
  • English Word Pointsman Definition A man who has charge of railroad points or switches.
  • English Word Poise Definition Weight; gravity; that which causes a body to descend; heaviness.
  • English Word Poise Definition The weight, or mass of metal, used in weighing, to balance the substance weighed.
  • English Word Poise Definition The state of being balanced by equal weight or power; equipoise; balance; equilibrium; rest.
  • English Word Poise Definition That which causes a balance; a counterweight.
  • English Word Poise Definition To balance; to make of equal weight; as, to poise the scales of a balance.
  • English Word Poise Definition To hold or place in equilibrium or equiponderance.
  • English Word Poise Definition To counterpoise; to counterbalance.