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  • English Word Plumular Definition Relating to a plumule.
  • English Word Plumularia Definition Any hydroid belonging to Plumularia and other genera of the family Plumularidae. They generally grow in plumelike forms.
  • English Word Plumularian Definition Any Plumularia. Also used adjectively.
  • English Word Plumularias Definition of Plumularia
  • English Word Plumularlae Definition of Plumularia
  • English Word Plumule Definition of Plumula
  • English Word Plumule Definition The first bud, or gemmule, of a young plant; the bud, or growing point, of the embryo, above the cotyledons. See Illust. of Radicle.
  • English Word Plumule Definition A down feather.
  • English Word Plumule Definition The aftershaft of a feather. See Illust. under Feather.
  • English Word Plumule Definition One of the featherlike scales of certain male butterflies.
  • English Word Plumulose Definition Having hairs branching out laterally, like the parts of a feather.
  • English Word Plumy Definition Covered or adorned with plumes, or as with plumes; feathery.
  • English Word Plunder Definition To take the goods of by force, or without right; to pillage; to spoil; to sack; to strip; to rob; as, to plunder travelers.
  • English Word Plunder Definition To take by pillage; to appropriate forcibly; as, the enemy plundered all the goods they found.
  • English Word Plunder Definition The act of plundering or pillaging; robbery. See Syn. of Pillage.
  • English Word Plunder Definition That which is taken by open force from an enemy; pillage; spoil; booty; also, that which is taken by theft or fraud.
  • English Word Plunder Definition Personal property and effects; baggage or luggage.
  • English Word Plunderage Definition The embezzlement of goods on shipboard.
  • English Word Plundered Definition of Plunder
  • English Word Plunderer Definition One who plunders or pillages.
  • English Word Plundering Definition of Plunder
  • English Word Plunge Definition To thrust into water, or into any substance that is penetrable; to immerse; to cause to penetrate or enter quickly and forcibly; to thrust; as, to plunge the body into water; to plunge a dagger into the breast. Also used figuratively; as, to plunge a nation into war.
  • English Word Plunge Definition To baptize by immersion.
  • English Word Plunge Definition To entangle; to embarrass; to overcome.
  • English Word Plunge Definition To thrust or cast one's self into water or other fluid; to submerge one's self; to dive, or to rush in; as, he plunged into the river. Also used figuratively; as, to plunge into debt.
  • English Word Plunge Definition To pitch or throw one's self headlong or violently forward, as a horse does.
  • English Word Plunge Definition To bet heavily and with seeming recklessness on a race, or other contest; in an extended sense, to risk large sums in hazardous speculations.
  • English Word Plunge Definition The act of thrusting into or submerging; a dive, leap, rush, or pitch into, or as into, water; as, to take the water with a plunge.
  • English Word Plunge Definition Hence, a desperate hazard or act; a state of being submerged or overwhelmed with difficulties.
  • English Word Plunge Definition The act of pitching or throwing one's self headlong or violently forward, like an unruly horse.