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  • English Word Plugging Definition The act of stopping with a plug.
  • English Word Plugging Definition The material of which a plug or stopple is made.
  • English Word Plum Definition The edible drupaceous fruit of the Prunus domestica, and of several other species of Prunus; also, the tree itself, usually called plum tree.
  • English Word Plum Definition A grape dried in the sun; a raisin.
  • English Word Plum Definition A handsome fortune or property; formerly, in cant language, the sum of £100,000 sterling; also, the person possessing it.
  • English Word Pluma Definition A feather.
  • English Word Plumae Definition of Pluma
  • English Word Plumage Definition The entire clothing of a bird.
  • English Word Plumassary Definition A plume or collection of ornamental feathers.
  • English Word Plumassier Definition One who prepares or deals in ornamental plumes or feathers.
  • English Word Plumb Definition A little mass or weight of lead, or the like, attached to a line, and used by builders, etc., to indicate a vertical direction; a plummet; a plumb bob. See Plumb line, below.
  • English Word Plumb Definition Perpendicular; vertical; conforming the direction of a line attached to a plumb; as, the wall is plumb.
  • English Word Plumb Definition In a plumb direction; perpendicularly.
  • English Word Plumb Definition To adjust by a plumb line; to cause to be perpendicular; as, to plumb a building or a wall.
  • English Word Plumb Definition To sound with a plumb or plummet, as the depth of water; hence, to examine by test; to ascertain the depth, quality, dimension, etc.; to sound; to fathom; to test.
  • English Word Plumb Definition To seal with lead; as, to plumb a drainpipe.
  • English Word Plumb Definition To supply, as a building, with a system of plumbing.
  • English Word Plumbage Definition Leadwork
  • English Word Plumbagin Definition A crystalline substance said to be found in the root of a certain plant of the Leadwort (Plumbago) family.
  • English Word Plumbagineous Definition Pertaining to natural order (Plumbagineae) of gamopetalous herbs, of which Plumbago is the type. The order includes also the marsh rosemary, the thrift, and a few other genera.
  • English Word Plumbaginous Definition Resembling plumbago; consisting of, or containing, plumbago; as, a plumbaginous slate.
  • English Word Plumbago Definition Same as Graphite.
  • English Word Plumbago Definition A genus of herbaceous plants with pretty salver-shaped corollas, usually blue or violet; leadwort.
  • English Word Plumbean Definition Alt. of Plumbeous
  • English Word Plumbed Definition of Plumb
  • English Word Plumbeous Definition Consisting of, or resembling, lead.
  • English Word Plumbeous Definition Dull; heavy; stupid.
  • English Word Plumber Definition One who works in lead; esp., one who furnishes, fits, and repairs lead, iron, or glass pipes, and other apparatus for the conveyance of water, gas, or drainage in buildings.
  • English Word Plumber block Definition A pillow block.
  • English Word Plumbery Definition The business of a plumber.