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  • English Word Plutonism Definition The theory, early advanced in geology, that the successive rocks of the earth's crust were formed by igneous fusion; -- opposed to the Neptunian theory.
  • English Word Plutonist Definition One who adopts the geological theory of igneous fusion; a Plutonian. See Plutonism.
  • English Word Plutus Definition The son of Jason and Ceres, and the god of wealth. He was represented as bearing a cornucopia, and as blind, because his gifts were bestowed without discrimination of merit.
  • English Word Pluvial Definition Of or pertaining to rain; rainy.
  • English Word Pluvial Definition Produced by the action of rain.
  • English Word Pluvial Definition A priest's cope.
  • English Word Pluviameter Definition See Pluviometer.
  • English Word Pluviametrical Definition See Pluviometrical.
  • English Word Pluvian Definition The crocodile bird.
  • English Word Pluviometer Definition An instrument for ascertaining the amount of rainfall at any place in a given time; a rain gauge.
  • English Word Pluviometrical Definition Of or pertaining to a pluviometer; determined by a pluviometer.
  • English Word Pluviose Definition The fifth month of the French republican calendar adopted in 1793. It began January 20, and ended February 18. See Vendemiaire.
  • English Word Pluvious Definition Abounding in rain; rainy; pluvial.
  • English Word Ply Definition To bend.
  • English Word Ply Definition To lay on closely, or in folds; to work upon steadily, or with repeated acts; to press upon; to urge importunately; as, to ply one with questions, with solicitations, or with drink.
  • English Word Ply Definition To employ diligently; to use steadily.
  • English Word Ply Definition To practice or perform with diligence; to work at.
  • English Word Ply Definition To bend; to yield.
  • English Word Ply Definition To act, go, or work diligently and steadily; especially, to do something by repeated actions; to go back and forth; as, a steamer plies between certain ports.
  • English Word Ply Definition To work to windward; to beat.
  • English Word Ply Definition A fold; a plait; a turn or twist, as of a cord.
  • English Word Ply Definition Bent; turn; direction; bias.
  • English Word Plyer Definition One who, or that which, plies
  • English Word Plyer Definition A kind of balance used in raising and letting down a drawbridge. It consists of timbers joined in the form of a St. Andrew's cross.
  • English Word Plyer Definition See Pliers.
  • English Word Plyght Definition See Plight.
  • English Word Plying Definition of Ply
  • English Word Plymouth Brethren Definition The members of a religious sect which first appeared at Plymouth, England, about 1830. They protest against sectarianism, and reject all official ministry or clergy. Also called Brethren, Christian Brethren, Plymouthists, etc. The Darbyites are a division of the Brethren.
  • English Word Pneometer Definition A spirometer.
  • English Word Pneumatic Definition Alt. of Pneumatical