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  • English Word Pluries Definition A writ issued in the third place, after two former writs have been disregarded.
  • English Word Plurifarious Definition Of many kinds or fashions; multifarious.
  • English Word Plurifoliolate Definition Having several or many leaflets.
  • English Word Pluriliteral Definition Consisting of more letters than three.
  • English Word Pluriliteral Definition A pluriliteral word.
  • English Word Plurilocular Definition Having several cells or loculi
  • English Word Plurilocular Definition having several divisions containing seeds; as, the lemon and the orange are plurilocular fruits.
  • English Word Pluriparous Definition Producing several young at a birth; as, a pluriparous animal.
  • English Word Pluripartite Definition Deeply divided into several portions.
  • English Word Pluripresence Definition Presence in more places than one.
  • English Word Plurisy Definition Superabundance; excess; plethora.
  • English Word Pluroderes Definition A group of fresh-water turtles in which the neck can not be retracted, but is bent to one side, for protection. The matamata is an example.
  • English Word Plus Definition More, required to be added; positive, as distinguished from negative; -- opposed to minus.
  • English Word Plus Definition Hence, in a literary sense, additional; real; actual.
  • English Word Plush Definition A textile fabric with a nap or shag on one side, longer and softer than the nap of velvet.
  • English Word Plushy Definition Like plush; soft and shaggy.
  • English Word Plutarchy Definition Plutocracy; the rule of wealth.
  • English Word Pluteal Definition Of or pertaining to a pluteus.
  • English Word Plutei Definition of Pluteus
  • English Word Pluteus Definition The free-swimming larva of sea urchins and ophiurans, having several long stiff processes inclosing calcareous rods.
  • English Word Pluteuses Definition of Pluteus
  • English Word Pluto Definition The son of Saturn and Rhea, brother of Jupiter and Neptune; the dark and gloomy god of the Lower World.
  • English Word Plutocracy Definition A form of government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the wealthy classes; government by the rich; also, a controlling or influential class of rich men.
  • English Word Plutocrat Definition One whose wealth gives him power or influence; one of the plutocracy.
  • English Word Plutocratic Definition Of or pertaining to plutocracy; as, plutocratic ideas.
  • English Word Plutology Definition The science which treats of wealth.
  • English Word Plutonian Definition Plutonic.
  • English Word Plutonian Definition A Plutonist.
  • English Word Plutonic Definition Of or pertaining to Pluto; Plutonian; hence, pertaining to the interior of the earth; subterranean.
  • English Word Plutonic Definition Of, pertaining to, or designating, the system of the Plutonists; igneous; as, the Plutonic theory.