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  • English Word Macaronian Definition Alt. of Macaronic
  • English Word Macaronic Definition Pertaining to, or like, macaroni (originally a dish of mixed food); hence, mixed; confused; jumbled.
  • English Word Macaronic Definition Of or pertaining to the burlesque composition called macaronic; as, macaronic poetry.
  • English Word Macaronic Definition A heap of thing confusedly mixed together; a jumble.
  • English Word Macaronic Definition A kind of burlesque composition, in which the vernacular words of one or more modern languages are intermixed with genuine Latin words, and with hybrid formed by adding Latin terminations to other roots.
  • English Word Macaronies Definition of Macaroni
  • English Word Macaronis Definition of Macaroni
  • English Word Macaroon Definition A finical fellow, or macaroni.
  • English Word Macaroon Definition A small cake, composed chiefly of the white of eggs, almonds, and sugar.
  • English Word Macartney Definition A fire-backed pheasant. See Fireback.
  • English Word Macassar oil Definition A kind of oil formerly used in dressing the hair; -- so called because originally obtained from Macassar, a district of the Island of Celebes. Also, an imitation of the same, of perfumed castor oil and olive oil.
  • English Word Macauco Definition Any one of several species of small lemurs, as Lemur murinus, which resembles a rat in size.
  • English Word Macavahu Definition A small Brazilian monkey (Callithrix torquatus), -- called also collared teetee.
  • English Word Macaw Definition Any parrot of the genus Sittace, or Macrocercus. About eighteen species are known, all of them American. They are large and have a very long tail, a strong hooked bill, and a naked space around the eyes. The voice is harsh, and the colors are brilliant and strongly contrasted.
  • English Word Maccabean Definition Of or pertaining to Judas Maccabeus or to the Maccabees; as, the Maccabean princes; Maccabean times.
  • English Word Maccabees Definition The name given later times to the Asmonaeans, a family of Jewish patriots, who headed a religious revolt in the reign of Antiochus IV., 168-161 B. C., which led to a period of freedom for Israel.
  • English Word Maccabees Definition The name of two ancient historical books, which give accounts of Jewish affairs in or about the time of the Maccabean princes, and which are received as canonical books in the Roman Catholic Church, but are included in the Apocrypha by Protestants. Also applied to three books, two of which are found in some MSS. of the Septuagint.
  • English Word Maccaboy Definition Alt. of Maccoboy
  • English Word Macco Definition A gambling game in vogue in the eighteenth century.
  • English Word Maccoboy Definition A kind of snuff.
  • English Word Mace Definition A money of account in China equal to one tenth of a tael; also, a weight of 57.98 grains.
  • English Word Mace Definition A kind of spice; the aril which partly covers nutmegs. See Nutmeg.
  • English Word Mace Definition A heavy staff or club of metal; a spiked club; -- used as weapon in war before the general use of firearms, especially in the Middle Ages, for breaking metal armor.
  • English Word Mace Definition A staff borne by, or carried before, a magistrate as an ensign of his authority.
  • English Word Mace Definition An officer who carries a mace as an emblem of authority.
  • English Word Mace Definition A knobbed mallet used by curriers in dressing leather to make it supple.
  • English Word Mace Definition A rod for playing billiards, having one end suited to resting on the table and pushed with one hand.
  • English Word Macedonian Definition Belonging, or relating, to Macedonia.
  • English Word Macedonian Definition A native or inhabitant of Macedonia.
  • English Word Macedonian Definition One of a certain religious sect, followers of Macedonius, Bishop of Constantinople, in the fourth century, who held that the Holy Ghost was a creature, like the angels, and a servant of the Father and the Son.