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  • English Word Keesh Definition See Kish.
  • English Word Keeve Definition A vat or tub in which the mash is made; a mash tub.
  • English Word Keeve Definition A bleaching vat; a kier.
  • English Word Keeve Definition A large vat used in dressing ores.
  • English Word Keeve Definition To set in a keeve, or tub, for fermentation.
  • English Word Keeve Definition To heave; to tilt, as a cart.
  • English Word Keeved Definition of Keeve
  • English Word Keever Definition See Keeve, n.
  • English Word Keeving Definition of Keeve
  • English Word Keffe-kil Definition See Kiefekil.
  • English Word Keg Definition A small cask or barrel.
  • English Word Keilhau-ite Definition A mineral of a brownish black color, related to titanite in form. It consists chiefly of silica, titanium dioxide, lime, and yttria.
  • English Word Keir Definition See Kier.
  • English Word Keitloa Definition A black, two-horned, African rhinoceros (Atelodus keitloa). It has the posterior horn about as long as the anterior one, or even longer.
  • English Word Keld Definition Having a kell or covering; webbed.
  • English Word Kele Definition To cool.
  • English Word Kell Definition A kiln.
  • English Word Kell Definition A sort of pottage; kale. See Kale, 2.
  • English Word Kell Definition The caul; that which covers or envelops as a caul; a net; a fold; a film.
  • English Word Kell Definition The cocoon or chrysalis of an insect.
  • English Word Keloid Definition Applied to a variety of tumor forming hard, flat, irregular excrescences upon the skin.
  • English Word Keloid Definition A keloid tumor.
  • English Word Kelotomy Definition See Celotomy.
  • English Word Kelp Definition Any large blackish seaweed.
  • English Word Kelp Definition The calcined ashes of seaweed, -- formerly much used in the manufacture of glass, now used in the manufacture of iodine.
  • English Word Kelpfish Definition A small California food fish (Heterostichus rostratus), living among kelp. The name is also applied to species of the genus Platyglossus.
  • English Word Kelpie Definition Alt. of Kelpy
  • English Word Kelpies Definition of Kelpy
  • English Word Kelpware Definition Same as Kelp, 2.
  • English Word Kelpy Definition An imaginary spirit of the waters, horselike in form, vulgarly believed to warn, by preternatural noises and lights, those who are to be drowned.