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  • English Word Heterogenesis Definition Spontaneous generation, so called.
  • English Word Heterogenesis Definition That method of reproduction in which the successive generations differ from each other, the parent organism producing offspring different in habit and structure from itself, the original form, however, reappearing after one or more generations; -- opposed to homogenesis, or gamogenesis.
  • English Word Heterogenetic Definition Relating to heterogenesis; as, heterogenetic transformations.
  • English Word Heterogenist Definition One who believes in the theory of spontaneous generation, or heterogenesis.
  • English Word Heterogenous Definition Of or pertaining to heterogenesis; heterogenetic.
  • English Word Heterogeny Definition Heterogenesis.
  • English Word Heterogonous Definition Characterized by heterogony.
  • English Word Heterogony Definition The condition of having two or more kinds of flowers, different as to the length of their stamens and pistils.
  • English Word Heterographic Definition Employing the same letters to represent different sounds in different words or syllables; -- said of methods of spelling; as, the ordinary English orthography is heterographic.
  • English Word Heterography Definition That method of spelling in which the same letters represent different sounds in different words, as in the ordinary English orthography; e. g., g in get and in ginger.
  • English Word Heterogynous Definition Having females very unlike the males in form and structure; -- as certain insects, the males of which are winged, and the females wingless.
  • English Word Heterologous Definition Characterized by heterology; consisting of different elements, or of like elements in different proportions; different; -- opposed to homologous; as, heterologous organs.
  • English Word Heterology Definition The absence of correspondence, or relation, in type of structure; lack of analogy between parts, owing to their being composed of different elements, or of like elements in different proportions; variation in structure from the normal form; -- opposed to homology.
  • English Word Heterology Definition The connection or relation of bodies which have partial identity of composition, but different characteristics and properties; the relation existing between derivatives of the same substance, or of the analogous members of different series; as, ethane, ethyl alcohol, acetic aldehyde, and acetic acid are in heterology with each other, though each in at the same time a member of a distinct homologous series. Cf. Homology.
  • English Word Heteromera Definition A division of Coleoptera, having heteromerous tarsi.
  • English Word Heteromerous Definition Unrelated in chemical composition, though similar or indentical in certain other respects; as, borax and augite are homoemorphous, but heteromerous.
  • English Word Heteromerous Definition With the parts not corresponding in number.
  • English Word Heteromerous Definition Having the femoral artery developed as the principal artery of the leg; -- said of certain birds, as the cotingas and pipras.
  • English Word Heteromerous Definition Having five tarsal joints in the anterior and middle legs, but only four in the posterior pair, as the blister beetles and oil beetles.
  • English Word Heteromorphic Definition Deviating from the normal, perfect, or mature form; having different forms at different stages of existence, or in different individuals of the same species; -- applied especially to insects in which there is a wide difference of form between the larva and the adult, and to plants having more than one form of flower.
  • English Word Heteromorphism Definition Alt. of Heteromorphy
  • English Word Heteromorphous Definition Heteromorphic.
  • English Word Heteromorphy Definition The state or quality of being heteromorphic.
  • English Word Heteromyaria Definition A division of bivalve shells, including the marine mussels, in which the two adductor muscles are very unequal. See Dreissena, and Illust. under Byssus.
  • English Word Heteronereis Definition A free-swimming, dimorphic, sexual form of certain species of Nereis.
  • English Word Heteronomous Definition Subject to the law of another.
  • English Word Heteronomy Definition Subordination or subjection to the law of another; political subjection of a community or state; -- opposed to autonomy.
  • English Word Heteronomy Definition A term applied by Kant to those laws which are imposed on us from without, or the violence done to us by our passions, wants, or desires.
  • English Word Heteronym Definition That which is heteronymous; a thing having a different name or designation from some other thing; -- opposed to homonym.
  • English Word Heteronymous Definition Having different names or designations; standing in opposite relations.