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- English Word Heterochrony Definition In evolution, a deviation from the typical sequence in the formation of organs or parts.
- English Word Heteroclite Definition Deviating from ordinary forms or rules; irregular; anomalous; abnormal.
- English Word Heteroclite Definition A word which is irregular or anomalous either in declension or conjugation, or which deviates from ordinary forms of inflection in words of a like kind; especially, a noun which is irregular in declension.
- English Word Heteroclite Definition Any thing or person deviating from the common rule, or from common forms.
- English Word Heteroclitic Definition Alt. of Heteroclitical
- English Word Heteroclitical Definition Deviating from ordinary forms or rules; irregular; anomalous; abnormal.
- English Word Heteroclitous Definition Heteroclitic.
- English Word Heterocyst Definition A cell larger than the others, and of different appearance, occurring in certain algae related to nostoc.
- English Word Heterodactyl Definition Heterodactylous.
- English Word Heterodactyl Definition One of the Heterodactylae.
- English Word Heterodactylae Definition A group of birds including the trogons.
- English Word Heterodactylous Definition Having the first and second toes turned backward, as in the trogons.
- English Word Heterodont Definition Having the teeth differentiated into incisors, canines, and molars, as in man; -- opposed to homodont.
- English Word Heterodont Definition Any animal with heterodont dentition.
- English Word Heterodox Definition Contrary to, or differing from, some acknowledged standard, as the Bible, the creed of a church, the decree of a council, and the like; not orthodox; heretical; -- said of opinions, doctrines, books, etc., esp. upon theological subjects.
- English Word Heterodox Definition Holding heterodox opinions, or doctrines not orthodox; heretical; -- said of persons.
- English Word Heterodox Definition An opinion opposed to some accepted standard.
- English Word Heterodoxal Definition Not orthodox.
- English Word Heterodoxy Definition An opinion or doctrine, or a system of doctrines, contrary to some established standard of faith, as the Scriptures, the creed or standards of a church, etc.; heresy.
- English Word Heterodromous Definition Having spirals of changing direction.
- English Word Heterodromous Definition Moving in opposite directions; -- said of a lever, pulley, etc., in which the resistance and the actuating force are on opposite sides of the fulcrum or axis.
- English Word Heterogamous Definition The condition of having two or more kinds of flowers which differ in regard to stamens and pistils, as in the aster.
- English Word Heterogamous Definition Characterized by heterogamy.
- English Word Heterogamy Definition The process of fertilization in plants by an indirect or circuitous method; -- opposed to orthogamy.
- English Word Heterogamy Definition That form of alternate generation in which two kinds of sexual generation, or a sexual and a parthenogenetic generation, alternate; -- in distinction from metagenesis, where sexual and asexual generations alternate.
- English Word Heterogangliate Definition Having the ganglia of the nervous system unsymmetrically arranged; -- said of certain invertebrate animals.
- English Word Heterogene Definition Heterogenous.
- English Word Heterogeneal Definition Heterogeneous.
- English Word Heterogeneity Definition The state of being heterogeneous; contrariety.
- English Word Heterogeneous Definition Differing in kind; having unlike qualities; possessed of different characteristics; dissimilar; -- opposed to homogeneous, and said of two or more connected objects, or of a conglomerate mass, considered in respect to the parts of which it is made up.