EPage 98
- English Word Enfamish Definition To famish; to starve.
- English Word Enfect Definition Contaminated with illegality.
- English Word Enfeeble Definition To make feeble; to deprive of strength; to reduce the strength or force of; to weaken; to debilitate.
- English Word Enfeebled Definition of Enfeeble
- English Word Enfeeblement Definition The act of weakening; enervation; weakness.
- English Word Enfeebler Definition One who, or that which, weakens or makes feeble.
- English Word Enfeebling Definition of Enfeeble
- English Word Enfeeblish Definition To enfeeble.
- English Word Enfeloned Definition Rendered fierce or frantic.
- English Word Enfeoff Definition To give a feud, or right in land, to; to invest with a fief or fee; to invest (any one) with a freehold estate by the process of feoffment.
- English Word Enfeoff Definition To give in vassalage; to make subservient.
- English Word Enfeoffed Definition of Enfeoff
- English Word Enfeoffing Definition of Enfeoff
- English Word Enfeoffment Definition The act of enfeoffing.
- English Word Enfeoffment Definition The instrument or deed by which one is invested with the fee of an estate.
- English Word Enfester Definition To fester.
- English Word Enfetter Definition To bind in fetters; to enchain.
- English Word Enfever Definition To excite fever in.
- English Word Enfierce Definition To make fierce.
- English Word Enfierced Definition of Enfierce
- English Word Enfiercing Definition of Enfierce
- English Word Enfilade Definition A line or straight passage, or the position of that which lies in a straight line.
- English Word Enfilade Definition A firing in the direction of the length of a trench, or a line of parapet or troops, etc.; a raking fire.
- English Word Enfilade Definition To pierce, scour, or rake with shot in the direction of the length of, as a work, or a line of troops.
- English Word Enfiladed Definition of Enfilade
- English Word Enfilading Definition of Enfilade
- English Word Enfiled Definition Having some object, as the head of a man or beast, impaled upon it; as, a sword which is said to be "enfiled of" the thing which it pierces.
- English Word Enfire Definition To set on fire.
- English Word Enflesh Definition To clothe with flesh.
- English Word Enflower Definition To cover or deck with flowers.