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- English Word Endurably Definition In an endurable manner.
- English Word Endurance Definition A state or quality of lasting or duration; lastingness; continuance.
- English Word Endurance Definition The act of bearing or suffering; a continuing under pain or distress without resistance, or without being overcome; sufferance; patience.
- English Word Endurant Definition Capable of enduring fatigue, pain, hunger, etc.
- English Word Endure Definition To continue in the same state without perishing; to last; to remain.
- English Word Endure Definition To remain firm, as under trial or suffering; to suffer patiently or without yielding; to bear up under adversity; to hold out.
- English Word Endure Definition To remain firm under; to sustain; to undergo; to support without breaking or yielding; as, metals endure a certain degree of heat without melting; to endure wind and weather.
- English Word Endure Definition To bear with patience; to suffer without opposition or without sinking under the pressure or affliction; to bear up under; to put up with; to tolerate.
- English Word Endure Definition To harden; to toughen; to make hardy.
- English Word Endured Definition of Endure
- English Word Endurement Definition Endurance.
- English Word Endurer Definition One who, or that which, endures or lasts; one who bears, suffers, or sustains.
- English Word Enduring Definition of Endure
- English Word Enduring Definition Lasting; durable; long-suffering; as, an enduring disposition.
- English Word Endways Definition Alt. of Endwise
- English Word Endwise Definition On end; erectly; in an upright position.
- English Word Endwise Definition With the end forward.
- English Word Endyma Definition See Ependyma.
- English Word Endyses Definition of Endysis
- English Word Endysis Definition The act of developing a new coat of hair, a new set of feathers, scales, etc.; -- opposed to ecdysis.
- English Word Enecate Definition To kill off; to destroy.
- English Word Eneid Definition Same as Aeneid.
- English Word Enema Definition An injection, or clyster, thrown into the rectum as a medicine, or to impart nourishment.
- English Word Enemata Definition of Enema
- English Word Enemies Definition of Enemy
- English Word Enemy Definition One hostile to another; one who hates, and desires or attempts the injury of, another; a foe; an adversary; as, an enemy of or to a person; an enemy to truth, or to falsehood.
- English Word Enemy Definition Hostile; inimical.
- English Word Enepidermic Definition Applied to the skin without friction; -- said of medicines.
- English Word Energetic Definition Alt. of Energetical
- English Word Energetical Definition Having energy or energies; possessing a capacity for vigorous action or for exerting force; active.