EPage 101
- English Word Engagement Definition An action; a fight; a battle.
- English Word Engagement Definition The state of being in gear; as, one part of a clutch is brought into engagement with the other part.
- English Word Engager Definition One who enters into an engagement or agreement; a surety.
- English Word Engaging Definition of Encage
- English Word Engaging Definition of Engage
- English Word Engaging Definition Tending to draw the attention or affections; attractive; as, engaging manners or address.
- English Word Engallant Definition To make a gallant of.
- English Word Engaol Definition To put in jail; to imprison.
- English Word Engarboil Definition To throw into disorder; to disturb.
- English Word Engarland Definition To encircle with a garland, or with garlands.
- English Word Engarrison Definition To garrison; to put in garrison, or to protect by a garrison.
- English Word Engastrimuth Definition An ventriloquist.
- English Word Engender Definition To produce by the union of the sexes; to beget.
- English Word Engender Definition To cause to exist; to bring forth; to produce; to sow the seeds of; as, angry words engender strife.
- English Word Engender Definition To assume form; to come into existence; to be caused or produced.
- English Word Engender Definition To come together; to meet, as in sexual embrace.
- English Word Engender Definition One who, or that which, engenders.
- English Word Engendered Definition of Engender
- English Word Engendering Definition of Engender
- English Word Engendrure Definition The act of generation.
- English Word Engild Definition To gild; to make splendent.
- English Word Engine Definition (Pronounced, in this sense, ////.) Natural capacity; ability; skill.
- English Word Engine Definition Anything used to effect a purpose; any device or contrivance; an agent.
- English Word Engine Definition Any instrument by which any effect is produced; especially, an instrument or machine of war or torture.
- English Word Engine Definition A compound machine by which any physical power is applied to produce a given physical effect.
- English Word Engine Definition To assault with an engine.
- English Word Engine Definition To equip with an engine; -- said especially of steam vessels; as, vessels are often built by one firm and engined by another.
- English Word Engine Definition (Pronounced, in this sense, /////.) To rack; to torture.
- English Word Engine-sized Definition Sized by a machine, and not while in the pulp; -- said of paper.
- English Word Engineer Definition A person skilled in the principles and practice of any branch of engineering. See under Engineering, n.