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- English Word Enfranchise Definition To receive as denizens; to naturalize; as, to enfranchise foreign words.
- English Word Enfranchised Definition of Enfranchise
- English Word Enfranchisement Definition Releasing from slavery or custody.
- English Word Enfranchisement Definition Admission to the freedom of a corporation or body politic; investiture with the privileges of free citizens.
- English Word Enfranchiser Definition One who enfranchises.
- English Word Enfranchising Definition of Enfranchise
- English Word Enfree Definition To set free.
- English Word Enfreedom Definition To set free.
- English Word Enfreeze Definition To freeze; to congeal.
- English Word Enfroward Definition To make froward, perverse, or ungovernable.
- English Word Engage Definition To put under pledge; to pledge; to place under obligations to do or forbear doing something, as by a pledge, oath, or promise; to bind by contract or promise.
- English Word Engage Definition To gain for service; to bring in as associate or aid; to enlist; as, to engage friends to aid in a cause; to engage men for service.
- English Word Engage Definition To gain over; to win and attach; to attract and hold; to draw.
- English Word Engage Definition To employ the attention and efforts of; to occupy; to engross; to draw on.
- English Word Engage Definition To enter into contest with; to encounter; to bring to conflict.
- English Word Engage Definition To come into gear with; as, the teeth of one cogwheel engage those of another, or one part of a clutch engages the other part.
- English Word Engage Definition To promise or pledge one's self; to enter into an obligation; to become bound; to warrant.
- English Word Engage Definition To embark in a business; to take a part; to employ or involve one's self; to devote attention and effort; to enlist; as, to engage in controversy.
- English Word Engage Definition To enter into conflict; to join battle; as, the armies engaged in a general battle.
- English Word Engage Definition To be in gear, as two cogwheels working together.
- English Word Engaged Definition of Engage
- English Word Engaged Definition Occupied; employed; busy.
- English Word Engaged Definition Pledged; promised; especially, having the affections pledged; promised in marriage; affianced; betrothed.
- English Word Engaged Definition Greatly interested; of awakened zeal; earnest.
- English Word Engaged Definition Involved; esp., involved in a hostile encounter; as, the engaged ships continued the fight.
- English Word Engagedly Definition With attachment; with interest; earnestly.
- English Word Engagedness Definition The state of being deeply interested; earnestness; zeal.
- English Word Engagement Definition The act of engaging, pledging, enlisting, occupying, or entering into contest.
- English Word Engagement Definition The state of being engaged, pledged or occupied; specif., a pledge to take some one as husband or wife.
- English Word Engagement Definition That which engages; engrossing occupation; employment of the attention; obligation by pledge, promise, or contract; an enterprise embarked in; as, his engagements prevented his acceptance of any office.