EPage 79
- English Word Emptying Definition The act of making empty.
- English Word Emptying Definition The lees of beer, cider, etc.; yeast.
- English Word Empugn Definition See Impugn.
- English Word Empurple Definition To tinge or dye of a purple color; to color with purple; to impurple.
- English Word Empurpled Definition of Empurple
- English Word Empurpling Definition of Empurple
- English Word Empuse Definition A phantom or specter.
- English Word Empuzzle Definition To puzzle.
- English Word Empyema Definition A collection of blood, pus, or other fluid, in some cavity of the body, especially that of the pleura.
- English Word Empyesis Definition An eruption of pustules.
- English Word Empyreal Definition Formed of pure fire or light; refined beyond aerial substance; pertaining to the highest and purest region of heaven.
- English Word Empyreal Definition Empyrean.
- English Word Empyrean Definition The highest heaven, where the pure element of fire was supposed by the ancients to subsist.
- English Word Empyrean Definition Empyreal.
- English Word Empyreuma Definition The peculiar smell and taste arising from products of decomposition of animal or vegetable substances when burnt in close vessels.
- English Word Empyreumatic Definition Alt. of Empyreumatical
- English Word Empyreumatical Definition Of or pertaining to empyreuma; as, an empyreumatic odor.
- English Word Empyreumatize Definition To render empyreumatic.
- English Word Empyrical Definition Containing the combustible principle of coal.
- English Word Empyrosis Definition A general fire; a conflagration.
- English Word Emrods Definition See Emerods.
- English Word Emu Definition A large Australian bird, of two species (Dromaius Novae-Hollandiae and D. irroratus), related to the cassowary and the ostrich. The emu runs swiftly, but is unable to fly.
- English Word Emu wren Definition A small wrenlike Australian bird (Stipiturus malachurus), having the tail feathers long and loosely barbed, like emu feathers.
- English Word Emulable Definition Capable of being emulated.
- English Word Emulate Definition Striving to excel; ambitious; emulous.
- English Word Emulate Definition To strive to equal or to excel in qualities or actions; to imitate, with a view to equal or to outdo, to vie with; to rival; as, to emulate the good and the great.
- English Word Emulated Definition of Emulate
- English Word Emulating Definition of Emulate
- English Word Emulation Definition The endeavor to equal or to excel another in qualities or actions; an assiduous striving to equal or excel another; rivalry.
- English Word Emulation Definition Jea/ous rivalry; envy; envious contention.