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  • English Word Epichorial Definition In or of the country.
  • English Word Epicleidium Definition A projection, formed by a separate ossification, at the scapular end of the clavicle of many birds.
  • English Word Epiclinal Definition Situated on the receptacle or disk of a flower.
  • English Word Epicoele Definition A cavity formed by the invagination of the outer wall of the body, as the atrium of an amphioxus and possibly the body cavity of vertebrates.
  • English Word Epicoene Definition Epicene.
  • English Word Epicolic Definition Situated upon or over the colon; -- applied to the region of the abdomen adjacent to the colon.
  • English Word Epicondylar Definition Pertaining to, or resembling, an epicondyle.
  • English Word Epicondyle Definition A projection on the inner side of the distal end of the numerus; the internal condyle.
  • English Word Epicoracoid Definition A ventral cartilaginous or bony element of the coracoid in the shoulder girdle of some vertebrates.
  • English Word Epicranial Definition Pertaining to the epicranium; as epicranial muscles.
  • English Word Epicranium Definition The upper and superficial part of the head, including the scalp, muscles, etc.
  • English Word Epicranium Definition The dorsal wall of the head of insects.
  • English Word Epictetain Definition Pertaining to Epictetus, the Roman Stoic philosopher, whose conception of life was to be passionless under whatever circumstances.
  • English Word Epicure Definition A follower of Epicurus; an Epicurean.
  • English Word Epicure Definition One devoted to dainty or luxurious sensual enjoyments, esp. to the luxuries of the table.
  • English Word Epicurean Definition Pertaining to Epicurus, or following his philosophy.
  • English Word Epicurean Definition Given to luxury; adapted to luxurious tastes; luxurious; pertaining to good eating.
  • English Word Epicurean Definition A follower or Epicurus.
  • English Word Epicurean Definition One given to epicurean indulgence.
  • English Word Epicureanism Definition Attachment to the doctrines of Epicurus; the principles or belief of Epicurus.
  • English Word Epicurely Definition Luxuriously.
  • English Word Epicureous Definition Epicurean.
  • English Word Epicurism Definition The doctrines of Epicurus.
  • English Word Epicurism Definition Epicurean habits of living; luxury.
  • English Word Epicurize Definition To profess or tend towards the doctrines of Epicurus.
  • English Word Epicurize Definition To feed or indulge like an epicure.
  • English Word Epicycle Definition A circle, whose center moves round in the circumference of a greater circle; or a small circle, whose center, being fixed in the deferent of a planet, is carried along with the deferent, and yet, by its own peculiar motion, carries the body of the planet fastened to it round its proper center.
  • English Word Epicycle Definition A circle which rolls on the circumference of another circle, either externally or internally.
  • English Word Epicyclic Definition Pertaining to, resembling, or having the motion of, an epicycle.
  • English Word Epicycloid Definition A curve traced by a point in the circumference of a circle which rolls on the convex side of a fixed circle.