EPage 137
- English Word Epigrammatizer Definition One who writes in an affectedly pointed style.
- English Word Epigrammatizing Definition of Epigrammatize
- English Word Epigrammist Definition An epigrammatist.
- English Word Epigraph Definition Any inscription set upon a building; especially, one which has to do with the building itself, its founding or dedication.
- English Word Epigraph Definition A citation from some author, or a sentence framed for the purpose, placed at the beginning of a work or of its separate divisions; a motto.
- English Word Epigraphic Definition Alt. of Epigraphical
- English Word Epigraphical Definition Of or pertaining to epigraphs or to epigraphy; as, an epigraphic style; epigraphical works or studies.
- English Word Epigraphics Definition The science or study of epigraphs.
- English Word Epigraphist Definition A student of, or one versed in, epigraphy.
- English Word Epigraphy Definition The science of inscriptions; the art of engraving inscriptions or of deciphering them.
- English Word Epigynous Definition Adnate to the surface of the ovary, so as to be apparently inserted upon the top of it; -- said of stamens, petals, sepals, and also of the disk.
- English Word Epihyal Definition A segment next above the ceratohyal in the hyoidean arch.
- English Word Epilepsy Definition The "falling sickness," so called because the patient falls suddenly to the ground; a disease characterized by paroxysms (or fits) occurring at interval and attended by sudden loss of consciousness, and convulsive motions of the muscles.
- English Word Epileptic Definition Pertaining to, affected with, or of the nature of, epilepsy.
- English Word Epileptic Definition One affected with epilepsy.
- English Word Epileptic Definition A medicine for the cure of epilepsy.
- English Word Epileptical Definition Epileptic.
- English Word Epileptiform Definition Resembling epilepsy.
- English Word Epileptogenous Definition Producing epilepsy or epileptoid convulsions; -- applied to areas of the body or of the nervous system, stimulation of which produces convulsions.
- English Word Epileptoid Definition Resembling epilepsy; as, epileptoid convulsions.
- English Word Epilogation Definition A summing up in a brief account.
- English Word Epilogic Definition Alt. of Epilogical
- English Word Epilogical Definition Of or pertaining to an epilogue.
- English Word Epilogism Definition Enumeration; computation.
- English Word Epilogistic Definition Of or pertaining to epilogue; of the nature of an epilogue.
- English Word Epilogize Definition To speak an epilogue to; to utter as an epilogue.
- English Word Epilogue Definition A speech or short poem addressed to the spectators and recited by one of the actors, after the conclusion of the play.
- English Word Epilogue Definition The closing part of a discourse, in which the principal matters are recapitulated; a conclusion.
- English Word Epiloguize Definition Same as Epilogize.
- English Word Epimachus Definition A genus of highly ornate and brilliantly colored birds of Australia, allied to the birds of Paradise.