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  • English Word Epanodos Definition A figure of speech in which the parts of a sentence or clause are repeated in inverse order
  • English Word Epanody Definition The abnormal change of an irregular flower to a regular form; -- considered by evolutionists to be a reversion to an ancestral condition.
  • English Word Epanorthosis Definition A figure by which a speaker recalls a word or words, in order to substitute something else stronger or more significant; as, Most brave! Brave, did I say? most heroic act!
  • English Word Epanthous Definition Growing upon flowers; -- said of certain species of fungi.
  • English Word Eparch Definition In ancient Greece, the governor or perfect of a province; in modern Greece, the ruler of an eparchy.
  • English Word Eparchy Definition A province, prefecture, or territory, under the jurisdiction of an eparch or governor; esp., in modern Greece, one of the larger subdivisions of a monarchy or province of the kingdom; in Russia, a diocese or archdiocese.
  • English Word Eparterial Definition Situated upon or above an artery; -- applied esp. to the branches of the bronchi given off above the point where the pulmonary artery crosses the bronchus.
  • English Word Epaule Definition The shoulder of a bastion, or the place where its face and flank meet and form the angle, called the angle of the shoulder.
  • English Word Epaulement Definition A side work, made of gabions, fascines, or bags, filled with earth, or of earth heaped up, to afford cover from the flanking fire of an enemy.
  • English Word Epaulet Definition Alt. of Epaulette
  • English Word Epauleted Definition Alt. of Epauletted
  • English Word Epaulette Definition A shoulder ornament or badge worn by military and naval officers, differences of rank being marked by some peculiar form or device, as a star, eagle, etc.; a shoulder knot.
  • English Word Epauletted Definition Wearing epaulets; decorated with epaulets.
  • English Word Epaxial Definition Above, or on the dorsal side of, the axis of the skeleton; episkeletal.
  • English Word Epeira Definition A genus of spiders, including the common garden spider (E. diadema). They spin geometrical webs. See Garden spider.
  • English Word Epen Definition See Epencephalon.
  • English Word Epencephalic Definition Pertaining to the epencephalon.
  • English Word Epencephalic Definition Situated on or over the brain.
  • English Word Epencephalon Definition The segment of the brain next behind the midbrain, including the cerebellum and pons; the hindbrain. Sometimes abbreviated to epen.
  • English Word Ependyma Definition The epithelial lining of the ventricles of the brain and the canal of the spinal cord; endyma; ependymis.
  • English Word Ependymis Definition See Ependyma.
  • English Word Epenetic Definition Bestowing praise; eulogistic; laudatory.
  • English Word Epentheses Definition of Epenthesis
  • English Word Epenthesis Definition The insertion of a letter or a sound in the body of a word; as, the b in "nimble" from AS. n/mol.
  • English Word Epenthetic Definition Inserted in the body of a word; as, an epenthetic letter or sound.
  • English Word Epergne Definition A centerpiece for table decoration, usually consisting of several dishes or receptacles of different sizes grouped together in an ornamental design.
  • English Word Eperlan Definition The European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus).
  • English Word Epexegesis Definition A full or additional explanation; exegesis.
  • English Word Epexegetical Definition Relating to epexegesis; explanatory; exegetical.
  • English Word Epha Definition A Hebrew dry measure, supposed to be equal to two pecks and five quarts. ten ephahs make one homer.