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- English Word Ephah Definition Alt. of Epha
- English Word Ephemera Definition A fever of one day's continuance only.
- English Word Ephemera Definition A genus of insects including the day flies, or ephemeral flies. See Ephemeral fly, under Ephemeral.
- English Word Ephemera Definition of Ephemeron
- English Word Ephemeral Definition Beginning and ending in a day; existing only, or no longer than, a day; diurnal; as, an ephemeral flower.
- English Word Ephemeral Definition Short-lived; existing or continuing for a short time only.
- English Word Ephemeral Definition Anything lasting but a day, or a brief time; an ephemeral plant, insect, etc.
- English Word Ephemeran Definition One of the ephemeral flies.
- English Word Ephemeric Definition Ephemeral.
- English Word Ephemerides Definition of Ephemeris
- English Word Ephemeris Definition A diary; a journal.
- English Word Ephemeris Definition A publication giving the computed places of the heavenly bodies for each day of the year, with other numerical data, for the use of the astronomer and navigator; an astronomical almanac; as, the "American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac."
- English Word Ephemeris Definition Any tabular statement of the assigned places of a heavenly body, as a planet or comet, on several successive days.
- English Word Ephemeris Definition A collective name for reviews, magazines, and all kinds of periodical literature.
- English Word Ephemerist Definition One who studies the daily motions and positions of the planets.
- English Word Ephemerist Definition One who keeps an ephemeris; a journalist.
- English Word Ephemeron Definition One of the ephemeral flies.
- English Word Ephemerous Definition Ephemeral.
- English Word Ephesian Definition Of or pertaining to Ephesus, an ancient city of Ionia, in Asia Minor.
- English Word Ephesian Definition A native of Ephesus.
- English Word Ephesian Definition A jolly companion; a roisterer.
- English Word Ephialtes Definition The nightmare.
- English Word Ephippial Definition Saddle-shaped; occupying an ephippium.
- English Word Ephippium Definition A depression in the sphenoid bone; the pituitary fossa.
- English Word Ephippium Definition A saddle-shaped cavity to contain the winter eggs, situated on the back of Cladocera.
- English Word Ephod Definition A part of the sacerdotal habit among Jews, being a covering for the back and breast, held together on the shoulders by two clasps or brooches of onyx stones set in gold, and fastened by a girdle of the same stuff as the ephod. The ephod for the priests was of plain linen; that for the high priest was richly embroidered in colors. The breastplate of the high priest was worn upon the ephod in front.
- English Word Ephor Definition A magistrate; one of a body of five magistrates chosen by the people of ancient Sparta. They exercised control even over the king.
- English Word Ephoral Definition Pertaining to an ephor.
- English Word Ephoralty Definition The office of an ephor, or the body of ephors.
- English Word Ephori Definition of Ephor