EPage 125
- English Word Entreat Definition To invite; to entertain.
- English Word Entreat Definition To treat or discourse; hence, to enter into negotiations, as for a treaty.
- English Word Entreat Definition To make an earnest petition or request.
- English Word Entreat Definition Entreaty.
- English Word Entreatable Definition That may be entreated.
- English Word Entreatance Definition Entreaty.
- English Word Entreated Definition of Entreat
- English Word Entreater Definition One who entreats; one who asks earnestly; a beseecher.
- English Word Entreatful Definition Full of entreaty. [R.] See Intreatful.
- English Word Entreaties Definition of Entreaty
- English Word Entreating Definition of Entreat
- English Word Entreatingly Definition In an entreating manner.
- English Word Entreative Definition Used in entreaty; pleading.
- English Word Entreatment Definition Entreaty; invitation.
- English Word Entreaty Definition Treatment; reception; entertainment.
- English Word Entreaty Definition The act of entreating or beseeching; urgent prayer; earnest petition; pressing solicitation.
- English Word Entree Definition A coming in, or entrance; hence, freedom of access; permission or right to enter; as, to have the entree of a house.
- English Word Entree Definition In French usage, a dish served at the beginning of dinner to give zest to the appetite; in English usage, a side dish, served with a joint, or between the courses, as a cutlet, scalloped oysters, etc.
- English Word Entremets Definition A side dish; a dainty or relishing dish usually eaten after the joints or principal dish; also, a sweetmeat, served with a dinner.
- English Word Entremets Definition Any small entertainment between two greater ones.
- English Word Entrench Definition See Intrench.
- English Word Entrepot Definition A warehouse; a magazine for depositing goods, stores, etc.; a mart or place where merchandise is deposited; as, an entrepot for shipping goods in transit.
- English Word Entrepreneur Definition One who creates a product on his own account; whoever undertakes on his own account an industrial enterprise in which workmen are employed.
- English Word Entresol Definition A low story between two higher ones, usually between the ground floor and the first story; mezzanine.
- English Word Entrick Definition To trick, to perplex.
- English Word Entrochal Definition Pertaining to, or consisting of, entrochites, or the joints of encrinites; -- used of a kind of stone or marble.
- English Word Entrochite Definition A fossil joint of a crinoid stem.
- English Word Entropion Definition Same as Entropium.
- English Word Entropium Definition The inversion or turning in of the border of the eyelids.
- English Word Entropy Definition A certain property of a body, expressed as a measurable quantity, such that when there is no communication of heat the quantity remains constant, but when heat enters or leaves the body the quantity increases or diminishes. If a small amount, h, of heat enters the body when its temperature is t in the thermodynamic scale the entropy of the body is increased by h / t. The entropy is regarded as measured from some standard temperature and pressure. Sometimes called the thermodynamic function.