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- English Word Entoglossal Definition Within the tongue; -- applied to the glossohyal bone.
- English Word Entoil Definition To take with toils or bring into toils; to insnare.
- English Word Entoiled Definition of Entoil
- English Word Entoiling Definition of Entoil
- English Word Entomb Definition To deposit in a tomb, as a dead body; to bury; to inter; to inhume.
- English Word Entombed Definition of Entomb
- English Word Entombing Definition of Entomb
- English Word Entombment Definition The act of entombing or burying, or state of being entombed; burial.
- English Word Entomere Definition The more granular cells, which finally become internal, in many segmenting ova, as those of mammals.
- English Word Entomic Definition Alt. of Entomical
- English Word Entomical Definition Relating to insects; entomological.
- English Word Entomoid Definition Resembling an insect.
- English Word Entomoid Definition An object resembling an insect.
- English Word Entomolin Definition See Chitin.
- English Word Entomolite Definition A fossil insect.
- English Word Entomologic Definition Alt. of Entomological
- English Word Entomological Definition Of or relating to entomology.
- English Word Entomologies Definition of Entomology
- English Word Entomologist Definition One versed in entomology.
- English Word Entomologize Definition To collect specimens in the study of entomology.
- English Word Entomology Definition That part of zoology which treats of insects.
- English Word Entomology Definition A treatise on the science of entomology.
- English Word Entomophaga Definition One of a group of hymenopterous insects whose larvae feed parasitically upon living insects. See Ichneumon, 2.
- English Word Entomophaga Definition A group of marsupials which are partly insectivorous, as the opossum.
- English Word Entomophaga Definition A group of edentates, including the ant-eaters.
- English Word Entomophagan Definition Relating to the Entomophaga.
- English Word Entomophagan Definition One of the Entomophaga.
- English Word Entomophagous Definition Feeding on insects; insectivorous.
- English Word Entomophilous Definition Fertilized by the agency of insects; -- said of plants in which the pollen is carried to the stigma by insects.
- English Word Entomostraca Definition One of the subclasses of Crustacea, including a large number of species, many of them minute. The group embraces several orders; as the Phyllopoda, Ostracoda, Copepoda, and Pectostraca. See Copepoda, Phyllopoda, and Cladocera.