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- English Word Entr'acte Definition The interval of time which occurs between the performance of any two acts of a drama.
- English Word Entr'acte Definition A dance, piece of music, or interlude, performed between two acts of a drama.
- English Word Entrail Definition To interweave; to intertwine.
- English Word Entrail Definition Entanglement; fold.
- English Word Entrails Definition The internal parts of animal bodies; the bowels; the guts; viscera; intestines.
- English Word Entrails Definition The internal parts; as, the entrails of the earth.
- English Word Entrain Definition To draw along as a current does; as, water entrained by steam.
- English Word Entrain Definition To put aboard a railway train; as, to entrain a regiment.
- English Word Entrain Definition To go aboard a railway train; as, the troops entrained at the station.
- English Word Entrammel Definition To trammel; to entangle.
- English Word Entrance Definition The act of entering or going into; ingress; as, the entrance of a person into a house or an apartment; hence, the act of taking possession, as of property, or of office; as, the entrance of an heir upon his inheritance, or of a magistrate into office.
- English Word Entrance Definition Liberty, power, or permission to enter; as, to give entrance to friends.
- English Word Entrance Definition The passage, door, or gate, for entering.
- English Word Entrance Definition The entering upon; the beginning, or that with which the beginning is made; the commencement; initiation; as, a difficult entrance into business.
- English Word Entrance Definition The causing to be entered upon a register, as a ship or goods, at a customhouse; an entering; as, his entrance of the arrival was made the same day.
- English Word Entrance Definition The angle which the bow of a vessel makes with the water at the water line.
- English Word Entrance Definition The bow, or entire wedgelike forepart of a vessel, below the water line.
- English Word Entrance Definition To put into a trance; to make insensible to present objects.
- English Word Entrance Definition To put into an ecstasy; to ravish with delight or wonder; to enrapture; to charm.
- English Word Entranced Definition of Entrance
- English Word Entrancement Definition The act of entrancing, or the state of trance or ecstasy.
- English Word Entrancing Definition of Entrance
- English Word Entrant Definition One who enters; a beginner.
- English Word Entrant Definition An applicant for admission.
- English Word Entrap Definition To catch in a trap; to insnare; hence, to catch, as in a trap, by artifices; to involve in difficulties or distresses; to catch or involve in contradictions; as, to be entrapped by the devices of evil men.
- English Word Entrapped Definition of Entrap
- English Word Entrapping Definition of Entrap
- English Word Entreat Definition To treat, or conduct toward; to deal with; to use.
- English Word Entreat Definition To treat with, or in respect to, a thing desired; hence, to ask earnestly; to beseech; to petition or pray with urgency; to supplicate; to importune.
- English Word Entreat Definition To beseech or supplicate successfully; to prevail upon by prayer or solicitation; to persuade.