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- English Word Enunciable Definition Capable of being enunciated or expressed.
- English Word Enunciate Definition To make a formal statement of; to announce; to proclaim; to declare, as a truth.
- English Word Enunciate Definition To make distinctly audible; to utter articulately; to pronounce; as, to enunciate a word distinctly.
- English Word Enunciate Definition To utter words or syllables articulately.
- English Word Enunciated Definition of Enunciate
- English Word Enunciating Definition of Enunciate
- English Word Enunciation Definition The act of enunciating, announcing, proclaiming, or making known; open attestation; declaration; as, the enunciation of an important truth.
- English Word Enunciation Definition Mode of utterance or pronunciation, especially as regards fullness and distinctness or articulation; as, to speak with a clear or impressive enunciation.
- English Word Enunciation Definition That which is enunciated or announced; words in which a proposition is expressed; an announcement; a formal declaration; a statement.
- English Word Enunciative Definition Pertaining to, or containing, enunciation; declarative.
- English Word Enunciator Definition One who enunciates or proclaims.
- English Word Enunciatory Definition Pertaining to, or containing, enunciation or utterance.
- English Word Enure Definition See Inure.
- English Word Enuresis Definition An involuntary discharge of urine; incontinence of urine.
- English Word Envassal Definition To make a vassal of.
- English Word Envault Definition To inclose in a vault; to entomb.
- English Word Enveigle Definition To entice. See Inveigle.
- English Word Envelop Definition To put a covering about; to wrap up or in; to inclose within a case, wrapper, integument or the like; to surround entirely; as, to envelop goods or a letter; the fog envelops a ship.
- English Word Envelop Definition That which envelops, wraps up, encases, or surrounds; a wrapper; an inclosing cover; esp., the cover or wrapper of a document, as of a letter.
- English Word Envelop Definition The nebulous covering of the head or nucleus of a comet; -- called also coma.
- English Word Envelop Definition A work of earth, in the form of a single parapet or of a small rampart. It is sometimes raised in the ditch and sometimes beyond it.
- English Word Envelop Definition A curve or surface which is tangent to each member of a system of curves or surfaces, the form and position of the members of the system being allowed to vary according to some continuous law. Thus, any curve is the envelope of its tangents.
- English Word Envelop Definition A set of limits for the performance capabilities of some type of machine, originally used to refer to aircraft. Now also used metaphorically to refer to capabilities of any system in general, including human organizations, esp. in the phrase push the envelope. It is used to refer to the maximum performance available at the current state of the technology, and therefore refers to a class of machines in general, not a specific machine.
- English Word Envelope Definition Alt. of Envelop
- English Word Enveloped Definition of Envelop
- English Word Enveloping Definition of Envelop
- English Word Envelopment Definition The act of enveloping or wrapping; an inclosing or covering on all sides.
- English Word Envelopment Definition That which envelops or surrounds; an envelop.
- English Word Envenime Definition To envenom.
- English Word Envenom Definition To taint or impregnate with venom, or any substance noxious to life; to poison; to render dangerous or deadly by poison, as food, drink, a weapon; as, envenomed meat, wine, or arrow; also, to poison (a person) by impregnating with venom.