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  • English Word Catch Definition To attain possession.
  • English Word Catch Definition To be held or impeded by entanglement or a light obstruction; as, a kite catches in a tree; a door catches so as not to open.
  • English Word Catch Definition To take hold; as, the bolt does not catch.
  • English Word Catch Definition To spread by, or as by, infecting; to communicate.
  • English Word Catch Definition Act of seizing; a grasp.
  • English Word Catch Definition That by which anything is caught or temporarily fastened; as, the catch of a gate.
  • English Word Catch Definition The posture of seizing; a state of preparation to lay hold of, or of watching he opportunity to seize; as, to lie on the catch.
  • English Word Catch Definition That which is caught or taken; profit; gain; especially, the whole quantity caught or taken at one time; as, a good catch of fish.
  • English Word Catch Definition Something desirable to be caught, esp. a husband or wife in matrimony.
  • English Word Catch Definition Passing opportunities seized; snatches.
  • English Word Catch Definition A slight remembrance; a trace.
  • English Word Catch Definition A humorous canon or round, so contrived that the singers catch up each other's words.
  • English Word Catch-basin Definition A cistern or vault at the point where a street gutter discharges into a sewer, to catch bulky matters which would not pass readily through the sewer.
  • English Word Catch-meadow Definition A meadow irrigated by water from a spring or rivulet on the side of hill.
  • English Word Catchable Definition Capable of being caught.
  • English Word Catchdrain Definition A ditch or drain along the side of a hill to catch the surface water; also, a ditch at the side of a canal to catch the surplus water.
  • English Word Catched Definition of Catch
  • English Word Catcher Definition One who, or that which, catches.
  • English Word Catcher Definition The player who stands behind the batsman to catch the ball.
  • English Word Catchfly Definition A plant with the joints of the stem, and sometimes other parts, covered with a viscid secretion to which small insects adhere. The species of Silene are examples of the catchfly.
  • English Word Catching Definition of Catch
  • English Word Catching Definition Infectious; contagious.
  • English Word Catching Definition Captivating; alluring.
  • English Word Catching Definition The act of seizing or taking hold of.
  • English Word Catchment Definition A surface of ground on which water may be caught and collected into a reservoir.
  • English Word Catchpenny Definition Made or contrived for getting small sums of money from the ignorant or unwary; as, a catchpenny book; a catchpenny show.
  • English Word Catchpenny Definition Some worthless catchpenny thing.
  • English Word Catchpoll Definition A bailiff's assistant.
  • English Word Catchup Definition Alt. of Catsup
  • English Word Catchwater Definition A ditch or drain for catching water. See Catchdrain.