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  • English Word Catalytic Definition An agent employed in catalysis, as platinum black, aluminium chloride, etc.
  • English Word Catamaran Definition A kind of raft or float, consisting of two or more logs or pieces of wood lashed together, and moved by paddles or sail; -- used as a surf boat and for other purposes on the coasts of the East and West Indies and South America. Modified forms are much used in the lumber regions of North America, and at life-saving stations.
  • English Word Catamaran Definition Any vessel with twin hulls, whether propelled by sails or by steam; esp., one of a class of double-hulled pleasure boats remarkable for speed.
  • English Word Catamaran Definition A kind of fire raft or torpedo bat.
  • English Word Catamaran Definition A quarrelsome woman; a scold.
  • English Word Catamenia Definition The monthly courses of women; menstrual discharges; menses.
  • English Word Catamenial Definition Pertaining to the catamenia, or menstrual discharges.
  • English Word Catamite Definition A boy kept for unnatural purposes.
  • English Word Catamount Definition The cougar. Applied also, in some parts of the United States, to the lynx.
  • English Word Catanadromous Definition Ascending and descending fresh streams from and to the sea, as the salmon; anadromous.
  • English Word Catapasm Definition A compound medicinal powder, used by the ancients to sprinkle on ulcers, to absorb perspiration, etc.
  • English Word Catapeltic Definition Of or pertaining to a catapult.
  • English Word Catapetalous Definition Having the petals held together by stamens, which grow to their bases, as in the mallow.
  • English Word Cataphonic Definition Of or relating to cataphonics; catacoustic.
  • English Word Cataphonics Definition That branch of acoustics which treats of reflected sounds; catacoustics.
  • English Word Cataphract Definition Defensive armor used for the whole body and often for the horse, also, esp. the linked mail or scale armor of some eastern nations.
  • English Word Cataphract Definition A horseman covered with a cataphract.
  • English Word Cataphract Definition The armor or plate covering some fishes.
  • English Word Cataphracted Definition Covered with a cataphract, or armor of plates, scales, etc.; or with that which corresponds to this, as horny or bony plates, hard, callous skin, etc.
  • English Word Cataphractic Definition Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a cataphract.
  • English Word Cataphysical Definition Unnatural; contrary to nature.
  • English Word Cataplasm Definition A soft and moist substance applied externally to some part of the body; a poultice.
  • English Word Catapuce Definition Spurge.
  • English Word Catapult Definition An engine somewhat resembling a massive crossbow, used by the ancient Greeks and Romans for throwing stones, arrows, spears, etc.
  • English Word Catapult Definition A forked stick with elastic band for throwing small stones, etc.
  • English Word Cataract Definition A great fall of water over a precipice; a large waterfall.
  • English Word Cataract Definition An opacity of the crystalline lens, or of its capsule, which prevents the passage of the rays of light and impairs or destroys the sight.
  • English Word Cataract Definition A kind of hydraulic brake for regulating the action of pumping engines and other machines; -- sometimes called dashpot.
  • English Word Cataractous Definition Of the nature of a cataract in the eye; affected with cataract.
  • English Word Catarrh Definition An inflammatory affection of any mucous membrane, in which there are congestion, swelling, and an altertion in the quantity and quality of mucus secreted; as, catarrh of the stomach; catarrh of the bladder.