CPage 465
- English Word Cowhage Definition A leguminous climbing plant of the genus Mucuna, having crooked pods covered with sharp hairs, which stick to the fingers, causing intolerable itching. The spiculae are sometimes used in medicine as a mechanical vermifuge.
- English Word Cowhearted Definition Cowardly.
- English Word Cowherd Definition One whose occupation is to tend cows.
- English Word Cowhide Definition The hide of a cow.
- English Word Cowhide Definition Leather made of the hide of a cow.
- English Word Cowhide Definition A coarse whip made of untanned leather.
- English Word Cowhide Definition To flog with a cowhide.
- English Word Cowhided Definition of Cowhide
- English Word Cowhiding Definition of Cowhide
- English Word Cowing Definition of Cow
- English Word Cowish Definition Timorous; fearful; cowardly.
- English Word Cowish Definition An umbelliferous plant (Peucedanum Cous) with edible tuberous roots, found in Oregon.
- English Word Cowitch Definition See Cowhage.
- English Word Cowl Definition A monk's hood; -- usually attached to the gown. The name was also applied to the hood and garment together.
- English Word Cowl Definition A cowl-shaped cap, commonly turning with the wind, used to improve the draft of a chimney, ventilating shaft, etc.
- English Word Cowl Definition A wire cap for the smokestack of a locomotive.
- English Word Cowl Definition A vessel carried on a pole between two persons, for conveyance of water.
- English Word Cowled Definition Wearing a cowl; hooded; as, a cowled monk.
- English Word Cowleech Definition One who heals diseases of cows; a cow doctor.
- English Word Cowleeching Definition Healing the distemper of cows.
- English Word Cowlick Definition A tuft of hair turned up or awry (usually over the forehead), as if licked by a cow.
- English Word Cowlike Definition Resembling a cow.
- English Word Cowlstaff Definition A staff or pole on which a vessel is supported between two persons.
- English Word Coworker Definition One who works with another; a co/perator.
- English Word Cowpea Definition The seed of one or more leguminous plants of the genus Dolichos; also, the plant itself. Many varieties are cultivated in the southern part of the United States.
- English Word Cowper's glands Definition Two small glands discharging into the male urethra.
- English Word Cowpock Definition See Cowpox.
- English Word Cowpox Definition A pustular eruptive disease of the cow, which, when communicated to the human system, as by vaccination, protects from the smallpox; vaccinia; -- called also kinepox, cowpock, and kinepock.
- English Word Cowquake Definition A genus of plants (Briza); quaking grass.
- English Word Cowrie Definition Same as Kauri.