CPage 462
- English Word Cover Definition The lap of a slide valve.
- English Word Cover Definition A tablecloth, and the other table furniture; esp., the table furniture for the use of one person at a meal; as, covers were laid for fifty guests.
- English Word Cover Definition To spread a table for a meal; to prepare a banquet.
- English Word Cover-point Definition The fielder in the games of cricket and lacrosse who supports "point."
- English Word Cover-shame Definition Something used to conceal infamy.
- English Word Coverchief Definition A covering for the head.
- English Word Covercle Definition A small cover; a lid.
- English Word Covered Definition of Cover
- English Word Covered Definition Under cover; screened; sheltered; not exposed; hidden.
- English Word Covered Definition of Covet
- English Word Coverer Definition One who, or that which, covers.
- English Word Covering Definition of Cover
- English Word Covering Definition Anything which covers or conceals, as a roof, a screen, a wrapper, clothing, etc.
- English Word Coverlet Definition The uppermost cover of a bed or of any piece of furniture.
- English Word Coverlid Definition A coverlet.
- English Word Coversed sine Definition The versed sine of the complement of an arc or angle. See Illust. of Functions.
- English Word Covert Definition Covered over; private; hid; secret; disguised.
- English Word Covert Definition Sheltered; not open or exposed; retired; protected; as, a covert nook.
- English Word Covert Definition Under cover, authority or protection; as, a feme covert, a married woman who is considered as being under the protection and control of her husband.
- English Word Covert Definition A place that covers and protects; a shelter; a defense.
- English Word Covert Definition One of the special feathers covering the bases of the quills of the wings and tail of a bird. See Illust. of Bird.
- English Word Covert baron Definition Under the protection of a husband; married.
- English Word Covertly Definition Secretly; in private; insidiously.
- English Word Covertness Definition Secrecy; privacy.
- English Word Coverture Definition Covering; shelter; defense; hiding.
- English Word Coverture Definition The condition of a woman during marriage, because she is considered under the cover, influence, power, and protection of her husband, and therefore called a feme covert, or femme couverte.
- English Word Covet Definition To wish for with eagerness; to desire possession of; -- used in a good sense.
- English Word Covet Definition To long for inordinately or unlawfully; to hanker after (something forbidden).
- English Word Covet Definition To have or indulge inordinate desire.
- English Word Covetable Definition That may be coveted; desirable.